Saturday, March 21, 2009

Fanatics in New Outrage

DAILY EXPRESS: FURY erupted last night after exiled preacher of hate Omar Bakri Mohammed was allowed to address a public meeting and warn of fresh terror attacks on Britain.

Hate preacher Bakri's rant was broadcast by Anjem Choudary. Photo: Daily Express

The fundamentalist cleric came out of hiding to issue a chilling warning that Britain should prepare for a September 11-style atrocity.

Speaking from his bolthole in Lebanon, Bakri, who was kicked out of Britain four years ago, gave his support to fanatics who abused brave British soldiers in a vile attack during their homecoming parade in Luton last week.

Addressing a meeting held at an east London hotel by telephone, he said British troops had declared war on Islam and must suffer the consequences – along with innocent civilians. “You want to declare war against us, we will declare Islam against you,” he said. “It is time for you to wake up before it is too late.

“If you put pressure on Muslims and push them underground, people will come and rise and retaliate against you. >>> By David Pilditch and Martin Evans | Saturday, March 21, 2009

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