Wednesday, December 10, 2008

New Dark Age Alert! Anjem Choudary Brands Christmas “Evil”

Why do we put up with this nonsense from these dangerous, subversive people? Were you or I to go and work in Saudi Arabia and say that Islam is intrinsically evil, we all know what would happen to us.

We seem to adopt the approach of 'showing better' to these people. This is a worthless exercise in this instance. 'Showing better' is all well and good when the people one is 'showing better' to are willing to learn; but when dealing with such hard-headed fundamentalist Muslims, it becomes a strategy of weakness. It means that we lack the wherewithal to deal with such people. Moreover, Muslims, being the people they are, will interpret this inaction as a sign of inherent weakness.
– ©Mark

Anjem Choudary considers Christmas to be “the pathway to Hell”. Photo courtesy of The Telegraph

THE TELEGRAPH: Muslim preacher Anjem Choudary has branded Christmas "evil" in a sermon posted on the internet.

The lawyer, who recently praised the Mumbai terror attacks, urged all Muslims to reject traditional Christmas celebrations, claiming that they are forbidden by Allah.

The 41-year-old shocked Christians and even those of his own faith by branding yuletide festivities as "the pathway to hellfire".

Choudary, who is chairman of the Society of Muslim Lawyers, ruled out all celebrations, including having a Christmas tree, decorating the house or eating turkey.

In the sermon posted on an Islamic website, he said: "In the world today many Muslims, especially those residing in western countries, are exposed to the evil celebration Christmas.

"Many take part in the festival celebrations by having Christmas turkey dinners.

"Decorating the house, purchasing Christmas trees or having Christmas turkey meals are completely prohibited by Allah. >>> By Murray Wardrop | December 10, 2008

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