Wednesday, December 31, 2008

How Utterly Stupid, Servile and Dhimmi of Fred Nile! Now Australia Prepares for a Ban on Topless Bathing Just to Suit the Narrow-minded, but Exceedingly Prurient Muslims!

Photo of topless bather on a Sydney beach courtesy of The Sydney Morning Herald

THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD: Conservative MP Fred Nile says he wants topless bathing banned in NSW to protect Sydney's Muslim and Asian communities.

The Reverend Nile has rejected allegations that prudishness is behind a bill he has prepared to ban nudity, including topless sunbathing, on the state's most popular beaches.

Australia's reputation as a conservative but culturally inclusive sociery [ssic] was at risk of erosion by more liberal overseas visitors, he said.

"Our beaches should be a place where no one is offended, whether it's their religious or cultural views," he said.

"If they've come from a Middle Eastern or Asian country where women never go topless - in fact they usually wear a lot of clothing - I think it's important to respect all the different cultures that make up Australia."

The practice was at risk of raising the ire of Muslim men in particular, Mr Nile said.

"I don't want to have any provocations or disturbances on our public beaches," he said. Topless Ban to Protect Muslims and Asians: Nile >>> Georgina Robinson | Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Hat tip: Dhimmi Watch

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