Saturday, December 20, 2008

Gordon Brown's Behaviour Is Simply Immoral

THE TELEGRAPH: We are still recovering from his inane observations of earlier this year on the usefulness of sharia in Britain and the rabble he leads as Primate of All England could not be a clearer advertisement of his talents. But we must give him this: what he said about the immorality of the Prime Minister spending (or, more accurately, attempting to spend) this country out of a recession was absolutely right.

It is time we stopped suspending disbelief and took account of two things. First, if the current economic miseries are a global problem, why are things so much worse here than anywhere else? Why is sterling taking a more or less unique hit on the world's currency markets? The answer is simple: it is that the fundamentals of our economy are so much worse than almost everyone else's, and that is because of the mess Mr Brown has made of running it, in one capacity or another, for the last 12 years.

Then we need to suspend disbelief about how we best get out of this mess. Why, when Mr Brown created it, should he be trusted to extricate us from it? Isn't that a little like suggesting al-Qaeda rebuild the World Trade Center? Isn't it quite clear that the best thing for Britain is to have these charlatans removed from power as swiftly as possible, even if it means replacing them with the Disney characters of the Tory front bench? >>> By Simon Heffer | Friday, December 19, 2008

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