Thursday, October 30, 2008

Suppressing Free Speech in Finnish Local Government

GATES OF VIENNA: Stories about the suppression of political speech throughout the West have grown so numerous that I can no longer report them all. I could dedicate every moment of my day to chronicling the illiberal enforcement of PC Multiculturalism, but it would still be impossible to cover all the incidents.

In many countries — Sweden, the UK, Canada, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, and the USA, just to name a few — a naked power play has emerged that persecutes any and all opposition. Its actions are covered by various legal fig leaves: hate speech, racism, discrimination, racial incitement, hets mot folkgrupp, etc. But underneath it is the desire of the ruling oligarchs to maintain their monopoly on power by enforcing the orthodoxy that undergirds it.

Recent elections in Europe indicate a nascent awareness of the coming discontinuity, and a resistance is awakening. Electoral results in Italy, Britain, Denmark, and Austria, among others, demonstrate that a healthy sense of national identity is alive and well and intends to express itself. In response we can expect an even tougher crackdown by the elites of the EU and its member states, who will attempt to suppress these rebellious trends using whatever means are necessary. >>> By Baron Bodissey | October 29, 2008

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