Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Foreign Preachers of Hate to Be Banned from UK

How many times have we heard this refrain from this government? Regardless of the number of times, sweet little is being done about the problem! Till now, this government has had nothing but milk teeth and has done nothing but pussy-foot around, preferring, it seems, not to want to upset our hardline Muslim detractors.

Jacqui Smith has certainly not proved herself to be this country’s most effective Home Secretary of all time; and she has come up with some rather inane suggestions in the past. Now she wants to “name and shame” the preachers of hate. Does she really believe that these people care a damn? In any case, if she understood the threat of Islam to Western civilization, democracy, our way of life, and freedom of speech and expression, she would understand that such people are not ashamed of their behaviour; on the contrary, they are proud of it. After all, they are working in the cause and way of Allah!
- ©Mark

THE TELEGRAPH: Foreign-born "preachers of hate" will have to publicly renounce their views or be barred from the UK, under new plans to be unveiled by the Government.

Jacqui Smith, the Home Secretary, is to announce a package of measures aimed at making it harder for extremists to enter the country.

The new rules will also affect anyone suspected of advocating illegal action to stir up tensions, including anti-abortionists, far-right groups and animal rights activists.

It is expected that foreign-born extremists will be forced to retract controversial statements, and will have to refute specific allegations made against them.

Currently, the burden of proof lies with the authorities, who must show that alleged extremists still hold the views ascribed to them.

Those accused of advocating illegal action may also have to make a public statement of their support for democracy if they want to stay in Britain.

The new rules are also set to hand new powers to the Home Office to name people blocked from entering Britain and share their details with other countries. Currently individuals involved are guaranteed anonymity unless they choose to go public and fight their ban.

On Monday, Miss Smith said the Government planned to "name and shame" some extremists banned from entering the UK.

"Where it is in our interest we will name these people," the Home Secretary told MPs in the House of Commons.

"Coming to the UK is a privilege, and I don't want to extend that privilege to individuals who abuse our standards and values to undermine our way of life." >>> By Matthew Moore and Jon Swaine | October 28, 2008

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