Wednesday, September 03, 2008

What Does the Future Hold for the British Ethnic Minority?

BNP NEWS*: THE growing influence of Islam within Britain continues apace and the silence that greets this colonisation by stealth is deafening.

Our Christian spiritual leaders, who should be raging from their pulpits at this usurping of the centuries-old religious traditions of our country, appear to have just thrown in the towel and accepted defeat.

No doubt they are worried that if they speak out against Islam they might cause offence, a mortal sin on a par with taking a life in their new politically correct list of priorities.

In those areas where Muslims are now the majority, they have moved from claiming ‘equal rights’ with the host population, to imposing their demands on the non-Muslim population. What Does the Future Hold for the British Ethnic Minority? >>> By Martin Wingfield | September 3, 2008

*Please note that this should NOT be construed as an endorsement of the BNP. I do not endorse the BNP or any other political party.

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