Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Democrats Gettin’ ‘Kinda’ Jittery as ‘Palin Effect’ Bites

Photo of Sarah Palin courtesy of the New York Times

THE TELEGRAPH: Nervous Democrats are organising an unprecedented wave of advertisements attacking Senator John McCain.

The Republican presidential candidate has maintained his improved performance in the polls since picking Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate. Alarmed that Senator Barack Obama, the Democratic candidate, may be slipping irreversibly behind with seven weeks to go, a raft of groups plan to flood swing states with adverts, emails and mailshots.

MoveOn, a liberal group that started during the Bill Clinton impeachment hearings, said it will double its advertising budget to £3.5 million between now and polling day on Nov 4.

Its executive director Eli Pariser said its membership has been fired up by the introduction of Mrs Palin, a pro-hunting, anti-abortion arch conservative. John McCain Faces Barrage of Attack Ads from Barack Obama-Supporting Democrats >>> By Alex Spillius in Washington | September 16, 2008

Straw poll predicts 60% for McCain and 40% for Obama >>>

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