Monday, September 08, 2008

Are These Just More Empty Words from the Politicians, Or Are They Really Going to Do Something at Long Last?

THE TELEGRAPH: Immigration to Britain would be dramatically scaled back under plans for a "one in, one out" policy published today.

A cross-party parliamentary group – the first to tackle such a politically divisive issue – says net immigration must be reduced to zero, with the numbers arriving balanced by those leaving.

The group hopes this will stabilise the swelling UK population and reduce pressure on public services at a time when immigrants are entering at the highest rate in recorded history.

"We strongly believe we must ease the pressures that immigration is placing on our public services, environment and, indeed, on the cohesion of our society," it says in a report, Balanced Migration.

The group is jointly chaired by former Labour and Tory Ministers Frank Field and Nicholas Soames, and includes business leaders, churchmen and a former union boss.

They hope that a clear call from key public figures will intensify pressure on the Government to set limits on immigration, or encourage the Conservatives – who are pledged to cap numbers – to adopt the policy.

A House of Lords committee has already called for a cap on numbers entering the country and said record levels of immigration are offering little or no economic benefit.

In April, the Lords' economic affairs committee labelled official statistics on migration "seriously inadequate" and concluded immigrants are not needed to fill labour shortages or help fund the state pension for retiring Britons.

Immigrants were found to have an "important economic impact'' on public services, with some schools struggling to cope with the number of children who do not speak English as a first language. Reduce Net Immigration to Zero, Say MPs >>> By Ben Farmer | September 8, 2008

Immigration Policy Is Beyond Our Politicians >>> By Daniel Hannan | Septermber 8, 2008

Minister Rejects Migrant Cap Plan: The government has rejected demands for strict limits on the number of workers from outside the European Economic Area allowed to settle in Britain >>> | September 8, 2008

New Migrant Worker Rules Outlined: A list of jobs for which there is deemed to be a shortage of skilled workers in the UK has been released.

If the government adopts the Migration Advisory Committee's recommendations firms will be able to seek workers from outside the EU in the jobs listed.

They include specialist nurses and consultants, some engineering jobs, maths and English teachers but not care home workers or nuclear energy workers.

The government claims it will cut the number of jobs open to non-EU workers.
| September 9, 2008

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