Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Multiculturalism Kills; Cartoons Don’t

Kurt Westergaard’s cartoon of the prophet Muhammad courtesy of Google Images

FAMILY SECURITY MATTERS: Marked for death, his life will never be the same. He and his wife move constantly under police guard. Kurt Westergaard did what he was told: he drew a cartoon of Mohammed for his employer, the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten. He had no idea that by doing so he would have to spend the rest of his life hiding from Islamofascists who want to kill him. Watching him being interviewed on Danish TV, it occurred to me that Westergaard’s situation symbolizes the utter failure of multiculturalism. Most Europeans still don’t get it and neither do most Americans. They still insist that we all tolerate a culture which pledges to destroy our own. Westergaard’s interviewer epitomizes smug, multicultural ignorance.

Westergaard’s cartoon depicted Muhammed with a bomb in his turban because he wanted to show “that there are terrorists who get their spiritual dynamite or their spiritual ammunition from Islam.” Radical Muslims proved him right as they rioted across the realm of Islam. His Danish interviewer asked if he felt responsible for a hundred riot deaths. “I see the riots as something which was staged by some governments in some badly managed countries,” responded Westergaard. They were staged because governments in Muslim countries want to divert popular attention from their failure. “But that is not my responsibility,” he concluded, and he’s right of course. Multiculturalism Kills; Cartoons Don’t >>> By Tom McLaughlin

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)