Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Motoon Crisis Version 2

EUROPE NEWS: Being based in Denmark, EuropeNews has a natural interest in the resurgent Muhammad cartoon crisis. It evokes a clear feeling "We've been here before", and it shows also that we'll end up here again. The Danish press stands tight in solidarity this time.

Islamists find the sancticity of Muhammad challenged, and in true Islamic fashion responds with anger. Religions differ, and we see here Muslims express their religious feelings in accordance with their tradition.

Now, to a Christian or Western mind, it is strange that Muslims react with such fury. Is it because we have the audacity to indicate that Muhammad had a criminal mind? We would never do that, would we? Accuse Muhammad of instigating a regime of terror, emulated by Jihadists today? Would we come across the notion that perhaps Muhammad would assassinate critics just like Jihadist assassinate critics today? Why would we do that?

Actually, there's no need for us to do anything like this. It would constitute an insult to Islam, and we all know what the punishment is for doing that. The Religion of Peace would never resort to violence, except in the direst need. Or would it? Motoon crisis Version 2 >>> By Henrik R Clausen

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)