Friday, February 01, 2008

Miliband in Turkey Securing Turkey’s Future in Eurabia

Miliband thinks that the UK needs to ‘engage’ with Turkey far more. The UK, he says, needs to be “outward looking”.

Really, Mr Miliband? So you believe that Turkey belongs in Europe, accelerating further the Islamization of the European continent.

Now what if the majority of the people of Europe disagree with you and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office? Are you still going to go ahead with bringing Turkey into the EU? Well, yes, of course you are! You wouldn’t wish to let a trifling detail like that stand in your way now would you? After all, what do the ‘common folk’ know about what’s good for them?

Mr Miliband, I don’t think you know what you’re doing, and you certainly don’t know what you’re talking about. But then what should we expect. Isn’t it true that your father was a Marxist theoretician? So what can we realistically expect from you in terms of democracy?

Listen here to David Miliband speaking about his father.

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)