Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Israel Hasbara Committee: Overview of Leading News

ISRAEL HASBARA COMMITTEE: 1. Food and fuel supplies, cigarettes, cola, cement, mattresses and various and sundry other purchases were carted back to Gaza from Egypt during the recent border breach between the neighboring countries. Other commodities, not so harmless, were also transferred into the Strip. Yuval Diskin, head of Israel's domestic intelligence said Sunday, 3 February 2008, "massive" amounts of sophisticated weaponry had also been brought into Gaza during the prolonged breach of its border with Egypt. He calculated the transported weapons to include long-range rockets, anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles and other rocket-manufacturing materials. Diskin also warned the open borders had allowed the return of many terrorists from Iran, Syria and Egypt. He said these people who were trained in Iran and other places would likely contribute to the improvement of terrorist activities in Gaza. (Sources: Yahoo News/IHC)

2. Pausing for glimpses into the encroachment of radical Islam in the UK, realizing how rapidly it is changing the face of a Western society disposed to accommodate rather than combat it, should serve as a mammoth warning to other nations. British organizations including those of health, welfare, education and national security are kowtowing to Muslim demands in ways that will eventually affect not only the integrity and character of their own nation but serve as examples to Islam as to what can be accomplished, given time and persistence, in many Western societies. Israel has been the proverbial “canary in the coal mine” for decades, saying what we are dealing with in the Jewish nation in terms of Islamic coercion, violence and terrorism is coming your way - stand strong against it. (Source: IHC)

3. Just wait until UK tax payers get a hold of this: Although bigamy is a crime in Britain, UK lawmakers have recently decided husbands with multiple wives may claim extra welfare benefits. This means polygamous marriages will now be recognized formally by the state, so long as the weddings took place in countries where the arrangement is legal. This latest ruling, of course, will be of greatest gain to Muslim men with multiple wives. To accommodate these Islamic family overlords, new UK guidelines will allow income support for all of the wives to be paid directly into the husband's bank account. Also polygamists may be eligible for additional housing assistance and council tax benefits to reflect the larger property needed for his family. The ruling could cost taxpayers millions of pounds. Such is the ongoing fruit of accommodating Islamic cultural/religious norms and demands. In the not too distant future UK citizens will wonder if they are living in the good old British homeland or in new Islamabad. (Sources: UK Telegraph/IHC)

4. Some Asians - “Asian” now being politically correct terminology for UK Muslims - in the police force and in British Government jobs have been accused of obstructing the crackdown against so-called honor killings. “Asian” officials have been charged with failing to protect and assist women desperate to escape abusive situations and arranged marriages. Even worse they are reportedly encouraging harsh penalties for those whom they believe to be breaking Islamic cultural and religious bans. In some cases terrified victims seeking official help have been tracked by a network of “Asian” males working in Government and social services offices. Reports of such betrayal are according to a study written by the think-tank Social Cohesion. Equally as sad, non-“Asian” officials and police officers are scared of acting against families who abuse their relatives for fear of being accused of racism, the report says. (Sources: Dhimmi Watch/IHC)

5. Or how about this story from the UK medical world? Muslim medical students are refusing to obey new compulsory hygiene rules required to stop the spread of deadly infections because they say it is against their religion. They object to removing their arm coverings during surgery and to rolling up their sleeves when washing their hands because, according to Islam, such actions are immodest. Documents from Birmingham University reveal some students would prefer to quit the course rather than expose their arms and warn the issue could lead to legal action. Hygiene experts said this week no exceptions should be made on religious grounds. One doctor suggested Muslim women should not choose medicine as a career if they feel unable to abide by the guidelines everyone else has to follow. But the Islamic Medical Association insisted that covering all the body in public, except the face and hands, was a basic tenet of Islam. An association spokesman said one idea might be to produce long, sterile, disposable gloves which go up to the elbows. His suggestion is another instance of how to comply with, rather than resist, Islamic codes being imposed upon host countries that do not embrace such dogma. (Sources: UK Telegraph/IHC)

6. A senior European Commissions official responsible for combating racism and antisemitism in Europe last week claimed nearly half of all antisemitic incidents throughout Europe originate from radical Islamic elements. He said his assessment was based on European Union reports. The information was conveyed in a recent meeting with Minister for Diaspora Affairs, Isaac Herzog. Responsible for coordinating government activities in combating antisemitism at the cabinet level, Herzog told media sources it was not new that a large percentage of antisemitic incidents were being linked to radical Islam. He continued European governments are responding to this "aggressively," including educating Muslim imams throughout the Continent on European values, principles of democracy and the rights of women. European and international institutions are also beginning to respond to antisemitic discourse through education, according to the Minister. This has been recently observed in Germany: Education officials have authorized use of a new comic book throughout the country’s school systems to instruct lower reading level students with facts surrounding the Nazi-imposed Jewish Holocaust and to combat Holocaust denial. (Sources: J.Post/IHC) Israel Hasbara Committee: Overview of Leading News >>>

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