Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Halal Meat for Sale at ASDA!

BNP*: The ASDA supermarket chain is being criticised over its recent decision to sell Halal meat – that is meat from animals that have not been stunned before having their throats cut. For the first time animal rights activists have expressed outrage over a decision to put this meat on sale in a British supermarket. Up until now the animal welfare lobby have demonstrated blatant hypocrisy in campaigning against fox hunting, the export of calves etc – whilst turning a blind eye to the most prolific form of animal abuse practised in Britain today – that of Halal ritual slaughter. Animal rights group denounces ASDA halal decision (more)

*NB: Mark Alexander endorses NO political party; so a posted article from ANY political party’s website must not be construed as an endorsement of that particular party.

Mark Alexander