Thursday, November 29, 2007

Annihilation of Infidels

Vijay Ayyagari writes: To paraphrase Karl Marx, a specter is haunting the world — the specter of universal jihad. From New Delhi to New York, Moscow to Madrid, Bali to Baghdad, cosmopolitan cities the world over have experienced terror, mass murders and destruction by universal jihadists.

Universal jihadists demand theological, racial, political and cultural supremacy — Islamic imperialism — over the rest of the world. This conflict is between the divine law of Islam and secular, man-made Western jurisprudence. In Islam, religion and politics are inseparable. The Quran is not only the holy book of Muslims; it is also a political doctrine that clearly spells out how Muslims must deal with non-believers.

Islam’s message is limited to its believers. Islam has no universal message. Literal Islam is the eternal aggressor that pretends to be the perennial victim. The only choice that non-believers have, according to Islamic doctrine, is to convert, or submit and become dhimmis — subjugated under Islamic restrictions — or be annihilated.

Our war is for intellectual freedom, and the alternative is unconditional surrender of the mind. Islamic civilization is an oxymoron. Islamic civilization is the conglomeration of the civilizations of conquered nations. For example, in mathematics, the so-called Arabic numeral system and algebra are of Hindu heritage. Most ostensible Arab scholars were Assyrian Christians, Sephardic Jews, Zoroastrian Persians, or Hindu and Buddhist Indians who had been forcibly converted and were usually only one or two generations away from their original traditions.

Demographic conquest is the most permanent form of conquest. The Indian state of Kashmir, for example, was a Hindu majority state for thousands of years. Through invasion, forcible evacuation and conversion lasting centuries, Kashmir became a Muslim majority state, leading to an armed insurgent conflict by separatist Muslims seeking to impose Sharia law. Pakistan, one of the modern-day sponsors of Islamic terrorism, threatens to use nuclear weapons against India to take Kashmir. The jihadi struggle in Kashmir is a grand theological rehearsal. The ultimate goal of Muslim Pakistan is the total conquest and Islamization of a divided and secular India. Why is the United States shocked that Pakistan has turned into a dictatorship? Annihilation of Infidels >>>

PLEASE NOTE: The fact that this article appeared on the website of a political party, in this case the BNP’s website, should in NO WAY be construed as an endorsement of that party. I, Mark Alexander, am not affiliated to ANY political party. I strive to be independent and fair. I bring you this article today for the simple reason that it is a truly excellent summary of the dangers that the free world faces. Bravo Vijay Ayyagari! Bravo!

Mark Alexander