Thursday, October 18, 2007

A Watchman’s Call

With gratitude to Richard Williams for this excellent review:

An easily accessible read outlining the dangers that Islamism presents, not just to western civilisation, but to all cultures, for Islam's intent, made plain in this book of short essays, is nothing short of that age old plague of man's existence - world domination. A dramatic statement, yes, but unless we awake to the dangers clearly outlined in this book, a drama that will unfold under our very noses, with catastrophic consequences for us all. Make no mistake, the Qur’an says it, the pious Muslims say it, and Mark shows you exactly where and how they say it, in a format that is easy to read and follow.

Islam is immiscible with other cultures, 1400 years of history and countless tales of cultures lost tell us in unmistakable detail that this is so. Mark's book gives you an insight as to why this is so. As Mark shows, by adhering to the idols of our age, 'political correctness' and 'multiculturalism', we are facilitating Islam's age old dream. This book goes against the prevailing orthodoxies of our times and in so doing, delivers a clear warning of the danger which faces us all. – Richard Williams

Mark Alexander