Tuesday, July 17, 2007

More US Taxpayers’ Money to Go Up in Smoke as $80m is Pledged to the Palestinian Government

President Bush comes over as an old man with old ideas. If it ain’t working, throw money at it, and in any case by giving money in aid, America can buy ‘friendship’, or so he seems to think. Mr Bush, I’ve got news for you: You won’t win these people’s friendship no matter how much you give them in aid. They will still despise Westerners for the “infidels” they are.

So why don’t you do the American voters a favour and use that money for the much-needed health care of poor Americans who cannot afford any? Now that might buy the Republican Party votes at the next election!

The problems of the Middle East are not going to be solved by America. Not now; not ever! Those people will squabble till the end of time; and they’ll just go on killing each other. It’s their schtick. – ©Mark Alexander

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Photo of George W Bush courtesy of The Times
TIMESONLINE: President Bush yesterday launched a fresh effort to kick start the Middle East peace process by backing his old ally, Tony Blair, with promises of American diplomatic and financial support.

President Bush pledged an extra $80 million (£40 million) of US aid to the Palestinian Government of Mahmoud Abbas, as well as announcing plans for an international peace conference involving Israel and its Arab neighbours this autumn.

“We are showing the Palestinian people that a commitment to peace leads to the generous support of the United States,” said Mr Bush. “The Palestinian people must decide that they want a future of decency and hope, not a future of terror and death.” Choose peace and hope or terror and death, Bush tells Palestinians (more) By Tom Baldwin in Washington and James Hider in Jerusalem

Mark Alexander