Wednesday, July 04, 2007

”Dangerous and Unpredictable” Captors, the Army of Islam, Free Alan Johnston

THE TELEGRAPH: The BBC reporter Alan Johnston, held captive in Gaza by Palestinian militants since March, has been freed.

He was released in Gaza in the early hours of this morning and said he felt "the most unimaginable relief".

Mr Johnston was the only Western reporter permanently based in Gaza and had been working there for three years when he went missing on March 12.

He had been held by his captors, the Army of Islam, far longer than any Western journalist abducted in Gaza.

The 45-year-old told the BBC: "It's just the most fantastic thing to be free. It was an appalling experience, being kidnapped, occasionally quite terrifying and I didn't know when it was going to end. BBC's Alan Johnston released in Gaza (more) By Ian Martin and Emma Henry

Johnston free after 'appalling' ordeal

Mark Alexander