Sunday, June 24, 2007

Muslim Fanatics Use Internet to Spread Terror in UK

Allowing all these people into the UK has turned
into a nightmare for us. And things will only get
worse as their population swells. Where is all the
money, and manpower, going to come from to
police them and their dangerous activities?

A far better solution would be to kick these
people out. We have to get tough with them. Our
politicians and leaders today seem never to have
learnt the art of being tough. It's no good being
'touchy-feely' when one is dealing with the likes
of these fanatics.

We had better get used to the fact that we are in
a fight to the death with these people: They want
our land, our country, our nation; and they're
going to get it, too, if we go on pussyfooting
around as we have been doing.
- ©Mark Alexander

THE TELEGRAPH: It is 11pm on Tuesday and Omar Bakri Mohammed's loyal band of followers hunch over computers and laptops at secret locations across Britain to listen to his defiant message to the west.

Many are hoping that the Muslim cleric, who lives in the Lebanese capital Beirut after being banned from the UK, will spell out his views on the Government's decision to give Salman Rushdie a knighthood. Bakri does not disappoint them.

After listening to Bakri's lecture for more than two hours on a secretive internet chat room, one participant asks in a written question: "Is there a new fatwa against salman and the queen for giving [the knighthood]?"

Speaking with a heavy middle eastern accent, Bakri responds: "Salman Rushdie, no doubt what he did was an apostasy… not because he get knighthood but because he insulted the honour of the prophet Mohammed (with his book The Satanic Verses)… He is murtadd (a traitor for rejecting Islam) anyway so there isn't any need for a new fatwa… People like him deserve to get the capital punishment." Internet spreads terror to Britain (more) By Andrew Alderson and Miles Goslett

Mark Alexander