Monday, June 04, 2007

More Stupidity Written About Islam! This Time From a Senior Government Advisor

The term "modern Islam" is an oxymoron. There is no such thing as modern Islam. Islam, by its very nature, is mediæval and its body laws - the Shari'ah - dark age and barbaric. Witness the stonings to death, the limb amputations, the beheadings, and all the other punishments for petty crimes which in the West would often go unpunished at all.

We are helping Islam to spread in this country by pandering to Muslims and bending over backwards to accommodate them. What we should be doing is telling them to get on with it and integrate. We should be telling them to stop bitching, moaning and whining! Then, perhaps, they'd have more chance of being liked!

My God, are we going to pay a heavy price for this stupidity in years to come.

I would say this: If these people don't like their nest, which the West has so generously provided, then they can return home. We, the people, don't want their backward religion in our backyards anyway. - ©Mark Alexander
TIMESONLINE: Universities must employ Muslim chaplains or advisers and join forces with Islamic schools to break down widening divisions between British society and its Muslim communities, according to a senior Government adviser.

In a wide-ranging review of Islamic university syllabuses and the support available to Muslim students in England, published today, Ataullah Siddiqui, will tell institutions that their teaching of Islamic studies is “out of date” and for years has been conducted “in isolation and probably in complete ignorance of the [Muslim] community”.

Courses should be more job-related, departments should link up with seminaries and madrassas to reflect Islam in Europe post-9/11, they should have more qualified staff and provide better pastoral support for Muslim students, according to Dr Siddiqui. Universities ‘must improve help for vulnerable Muslim students’ By Alexandra Blair
Mark Alexander