Sunday, April 01, 2007

We’re sorry, Sir Iran! We won’t do it again. Promise!

If you ever had a niggling, sneaking suspicion that ‘Great’ Britain had become a paper tiger, cast all your doubts aside. It has! If you ever thought, in your heart of hearts, that Tony Blair was a pansy, but weren’t quite sure, now you know it! This once great country has become a shadow of its former self. And all under Tony Blair's watch. He prances around on the world stage trying to bring democracy to Iraq (which is impossible), yet he cannot get his own troops home to safety without stooping and begging and fawning and losing face. If you ever wanted a reason to be ashamed of being British, now you've got it!
THE TELEGRAPH: Ministers are preparing a compromise deal to allow Iran to save face and release its 15 British military captives by promising that the Royal Navy will never knowingly enter Iranian waters without permission. Ministers seek deal with Iran for captives

A weak Britain becomes a target for tyrants
©Mark Alexander

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