Monday, April 23, 2007

It’s over, though Wolfowitz doesn’t yet realize it

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FINANCIAL TIMES Editorial: If Paul Wolfowitz remains head of the World Bank, he will preside over a rudderless hulk. That is today’s inconvenient truth. The US has always had the prerogative of nominating the president of the bank. But this privilege carries with it a big responsibility. Exercising that responsibility now requires acceptance of an immediate change in the bank’s top leadership.

The revelations of Mr Wolfowitz’s role in deciding the terms on which his girlfriend was seconded to the US state department became public a little over a week ago. Since then two points have become clear, despite much obfuscation. First, responsibility for the astonishingly generous terms given his girlfriend rested solely with Mr Wolfowitz, who went beyond the board’s recommendations. Second, the board itself failed to respond appropriately when he went beyond its advice. Why Wolfowitz should depart now (Read on)

Mark Alexander