Tuesday, April 17, 2007

For God's sake, call it by its real name: ‘War on Jihad’

Democrats move to restrict the use of the term ‘War on Terror’, as the British government has done, hoping to sanitize the reality of the situation. The sanitization of the reality we are facing will do nothing to help us win the war we are engaged in; on the contrary, it will only hinder our eventual victory. War isn’t about making people feel good, it’s about victory, and victory alone.

Iraq might turn out to be a lost case; though one hopes, of course, it will not. But the ‘War on Jihad’ is something else. This is one war we have to win. It is a question of victory or dhimmitude. Western leaders must not, can not, shy away from this enormous task. Indeed, we must redouble our efforts; otherwise that New Dark Age will be upon us sooner than we might think.

Step up to the plate! We have a task of enormous proportions on our hands. It is a war that no sweet words will, or can, minimize. We are in it to the death. It’s our civilization or theirs. I know which one I would choose.

©Mark Alexander
BBC: As Britain's Secretary for International Development Hilary Benn says that the UK government no longer uses the phrase "war on terror", BBC News website world affairs correspondent Paul Reynolds looks at the use and now the disuse of this phrase.

"War on terror" is both a defining and declining phrase.

Its simple, some argue its simplistic, directness has come to represent the post 9/11 age and the worldwide campaign against al-Qaeda. But it was never accepted without qualification by many outside the Bush administration, especially when its meaning was extended to the counter- insurgency campaign in Iraq as well.

Now Mr Benn has gone public with a ban quietly initiated last year by the British government, one of President Bush's closest allies in this "war".

And in the US Congress, the Democrats, who triumphed in the elections in November, are moving to restrict and even ban its use as well. Declining use of 'war on terror'
Mark Alexander


cyberthinker said...

Mark, As usual, you are 'spot on'. Indeed, this is a war on jihad, but our politicians are just too weak and too cowardly and too 'pc' to admit it. Keep up the good work. You are a modern day prophet -- we need your voice.

Unknown said...

Can't do that, that would mean that they would actually have to do something constructive about the whole damn thing. "Let's all go have a group hug instead....there doesn't that make you feel a lot better children. Are you seated comfortably; then let us begin".

Far better to play the nanny and pretend everything will be alright, than be exposed as a clueless moron with absolutely no idea of how to proceed, let alone the intestinal fortitude to face off a rancid media.

The Marxists and their step children, the feminists have succeeded in emasculating western man, they'd better hope those same men can once again find the resolution and fortitude to endure great pain and loss, for if we lose this one, those same Marxists and feminists will be the first under the shade of the swords of Islam, with I suspect, the roaring approval of a whole bunch of brand new reverts to the faith of the prophet.

10 years ago who would have thought that we could even be contemplating defeat at the hands of Islam, a preposterous idea, but 10 years ago, who could have foreseen the endless catalogue of rank ignorance and stupidity, cravenness and servile appeasement masquerading as leadership. No I don't think Islam will win, but in order to prevail we will need to get rid of this wet shower that infests the corridors of power, for they will be the cause of our downfall if left to wreck everything they touch. These fools truly couldn't organize their way out of a wet paper bag.