Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Barrack Obama has been compared to Jesus!

Has the world gone crazy, or has the world gone crazy? My good friend, Mustang of Social Sense fame kindly alerted me to this video, a video which is in very bad taste! Do watch it and see what you think. WATCH VIDEO HERE: Comparing Barrack Obama with Jesus!

Mark Alexander


Eleanor © said...

It is inconceivable hat the likes of Barak Obama could run for president of the United States. He is "an empty suit" backed by a dangerous cabal. Let's hope that the American electorate won't make the mistake of choosing him!

leelion said...

that's just crazy comparing Obama to Jesus.

Next they'll be comparing Hillary Clinton to the Devil... errr.. but then again...

Sir Henry Morgan said...

Mark. Readers.

Any chance someone could give us a Fred Thompson 101? I've gone the Wiki route, but it wasn't that informative. What's he doing now?

Mark said...


It's hard to believe that the American media are giving this guy such credence. As Eleanor said, he's actually an empty suit. He has virtually no experience in politics; yet they are speaking of him as the American 'Messiah'. Many Americans are in awe of him. Why, I don't know.

When I was in the States recently, many in the media were saying how handsome he is. Well, excuse me for saying it, but I have to ask the question: Where are they looking?

The Americans will need their collective heads read if they elect this man as president. Trouble is, I don't think there are too many phrenologists in gainful employment out there these days!

I shudder to think what impact this man will have on the world if that day ever comes.

Mark said...


Let's hope that the American electorate won't make the mistake of choosing him!

Indeed! If they do, then I shall lose all faith in the democratic process!

Mark said...


Alas, I fear that the American people may be stupid enough and shallow enough to vote for a 'pretty face' like Obama.

But where's the pretty face? That's what I'd like to know.

Certainly, there is no substance to this fellow; he has produced no results of any sort or accomplished anything of note.

Exactly! So what experience can he bring to the White House?

The Americans will go right down in my estimation if they are foolish enough to elect this chap.

Mark said...


Let's hope that the American electorate won't make the mistake of choosing him!

Yes, and let's pray too!

Mark said...

Sir Henry:

I've no idea. It's over to my readers.

Always On Watch said...

I've been laid up with some serious eye trouble. And what was the first item I saw in the blogosphere when I was able to spend some time in the blogosphere? This story about Obama Christ! I posted on it without having seen that you also have posted on the same topic.

I don't know how you view this so-called work of art, but I view it as blasphemy. And to think that this man is running for President and has not condemned this atrocity depiction! To top it all off, the left is hailing this papier mache statue as a work of art which provokes thinking and multiple messages.

Sir Henry,
Have you seen this site about Fred Thompson?

Mark said...


I've been laid up with some serious eye trouble.

So now you have been having eye trouble, too. It must be going around. As you know, I suffered for months with my eyes. They are a lot better now; though I'm still getting some trouble with them. Has your problem been similar to mine, I wonder?

And what was the first item I saw in the blogosphere when I was able to spend some time in the blogosphere? This story about Obama Christ! I posted on it without having seen that you also have posted on the same topic.

I don't know how you view this so-called work of art, but I view it as blasphemy. And to think that this man is running for President and has not condemned this atrocity depiction! To top it all off, the left is hailing this papier mache statue as a work of art which provokes thinking and multiple messages.

Quite frankly, I find the whole thing QUIT, QUITE RIDICULOUS! Americans are losing all sense of proportion over this guy. What the hell do they see in him? He is not handsome! And he is inexperienced to boot! So what's he got to offer then?

In any case, even if he were the most handsome man on the planet, that wouldn't make him a good president of your country. America deserves a far more experienced politician to be president than this man.

If he wants to be president, I would suggest that he first get some political experience.

You must have heard that he's running nech and neck with Hillary Clinto now, especially in the funds department.