Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The War Within

Mark Alexander


Eve Readey said...

Seen at PI;
Is this an approaching scenario for EU?
Watch as the heads turn the other way hoping for a new series of Big Brother to anesthetize themselves with.
Tonight on our wonderful protector of the British way of life, we watched first, the trial of Milosovitch and saw the US/EU destruction of an old man who dared to stand in the face of the Democrat Clinton-gangsters that used Nato to impose the acceptance of the changed demography of a formerly Christian land, effectively handing over it's future control to the mudjahadeen that escaped Afghanistan. Why Russia stood by, I do not know.

Then we were treated to an hour of "An islamic history of Europe" in which Al Jaz talking head, Rugrat Omarr expounded his myopic thesis that without islam, Europe would have been left in the dark ages!
An hour long romp through Spain looking at the lost wonders of the Ummayad Caliphate. Funnily enough, describing how it was shattered by islam's competing proponents of the middle ages, and somehow it was all so redolent of that belief-system's imminent implosion at the hands of the competing schisms in Iran/Iraq.
Oh how the Beeb and their paymasters the Bliar conspiracy combine to insult the History of our Isle and our European cousins.
What are they preparing us for. For what are we being softened up?

Yesterday we saw the blithering fools of so called educated human-selfrighteousness lawyers lining up to spout their anti-American speeches, rehearsed, no doubt, in the trendy suchi- restaurants of Islington, or the bangla-mash restaurants of the East End.
Mouthfuls of raw fish or balti arse-burning spices, these suckling-pigs fatten themselves for their own slaughter at the hands of the oh so hard done by religious Nazis that these pathetic legal sparrows defend.
I spit on them and their self-righteousness, and salute the memory of the brave Americans that slogged through Europe alongside the tired Tommies that thought they were fighting for a better world.
Look what their grand-children have inherited.

A world where misinformed and misguided Bush has usurped America at the behest of the Saudi paymasters, to spill American blood to stave off the fall of their kingdom to the would be Mahdis or the competing Iranians, all of them lusting to control the new caliphate of confusion, that would spin the World to the precipice of oblivion.
Where Bliar throws the principles of our Nation to the dogs for the same reasons.
The West equips a hostile People with it's best weaponry, whilst allowing their peddlers of hate speech to suckle and infect the very bosom of Freedom.
And the show goes on, as the man on the street is fed a carefully contrived picture of security services tackling terror. Ha bloody ha! Lock up a few witless wannabe chapati-flour terrorists while allowing the real villains of many sorts to launder their ill begotten gains to prop up our illusory booming economy. (Good old Gordy)
Some day the whole edifice will come crashing down.
The illusionists will find that the lady in the box has really been sawn in half. We are in the deepest merde, mes amis

And where will Joe Pubic be?

Probably watching "Big Brother!The Final Edition"

Eve Readey said...

After watching this video, these thoughts occur in the mind of any sane person.
What name do we give to a creature that gnaws away at the fabric of our houses?
What words spring to mind when we hear the words of neighbors who declare us as their enemy, fit to be sacrificed to their hateful beliefs?
What does a diligent farmer do to stop disease spreading through his flocks?
What is the first step taken by our authorities in the face of a virulent outbreak of a deadly virus such as bird-flu?
What was the only method available to control the spread of foot and mouth disease, just a few years ago?
How did our Nation stop the spread of fascistic Nazis ideology just 60 years ago?
Why do we allow racist Nazis to live amongst us?
Why does our Government allow this evil to go unpunished?
When will we stand up for what is right and true?
How long can this wickedness be tolerated?