Friday, December 01, 2006

Britain in a Fix: The White Flight Reality
THE TELEGRAPH: Seeing something you have written as semi-fiction transformed into fact before your eyes is an odd feeling. In my new book, Time To Emigrate?, written as a letter, I explain to an imaginary, liberal-minded daughter-in-law that she is wrong to deny the existence of white flight from inner-city areas, and to ignore the dangers of ethnic mini-states forming around us.

Days later, at a conference on race organised by the Commission for Racial Equality, which he chairs, a real-life Trevor Phillips spoke of a crisis as white minorities bolt from ethnic areas, and warned of the emergence of separate and isolated communities. Phillips has made similar noises before, but never so boldly. White flight is a fact of British life
Mark Alexander


leelion said...

I believe balkanization is coming to Britain and other countries whether we like it or not. Morning prayers will soon boom from loudspeakers in some towns and Sharia will prevail.

After all, who are we to deny them this right? What are we? Intolerant racists? Arrogant eurocentrics?

When this happens you'll find that most BBC type jounos will move to these areas, (especially the young women) to show solidarity and to experience the joys of the Islamic way of life in all its glory.

But, ah...then again, maybe they won't...

Mark said...

It's okay for the élite to bang on about multiculturalism. After all, they have enough money to protect themselves from the ghettos they have created.

What does a person who can afford to live in an exclusive part of the city care about what goes on in the slums and ghettos?