Sunday, November 12, 2006

Remembrance Day
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In deep gratitude: Remembering those who died for our liberty.

WATCH VIDEO: Remembrance Day ceremony

WATCH VIDEO: Ceremony honours war dead
Mark Alexander


mirrorman said...

And shame their lives are being wasted on the altar of Labour's misguided and ignorant policies of containment in Iraq. At least the heroes of WW11 had a clear knowledge of their enemy, and leaders who could face up to them.
Today, Blair and his gang, along with all the wannabes on the Liberal-Marxist alliance, waiting in the wings, use our soldiers for disposable pawns in their two-face double-dealing with the forces that are gradually usurping Democracy and Freedom.
Nevertheless, God bless the fallen, and our prayers be with them.

Mark said...

Yes, it does look increasingly as though our liberty is being taken away from us. I have never lived through a time when so, so many laws have been passed by the government of the day, limiting freedom and legislating for each and every aspect of our lives. We are being treated like children!

cybercrusader said...

I am pleased to join you in paying tribute to those who have paid the ultimate price to secure our freedoms. We can only hope that our pathetic, pandering politicians will not give it all away for a few votes. What miserable wretches they are. We know that they will be the 'first to go' when the Muslims take over.