Thursday, November 23, 2006

The Pope and the Archbishop: "serious obstacles towards re-establishing the unity of the two Churches"
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Photo courtesy of the BBC
BBC: Pope Benedict XVI has warned the Archbishop of Canterbury the Anglican community's difficulties had put a strain on the Churches' relationship.

Dr Williams, the leader of the worldwide Anglican Church, is on his first official visit to Rome. Pope warns Archbishop of 'strain'
Mark Alexander


cybercrusader said...

It certainly did not take a 'mental heavyweight' to know that this would be an unavoidable consequence of the weird and wacky actions of the American branch of the Anglican Church. In recent years, the Church has suffered from an infestation of Marxist social activists, who are mental lightweights and who are only interested in themselves and their own causes. When they have had their way with the Church, they will abandon it, but in the meantime they efffectively will have destroyed it. It is a perfect example of the warninng of Jesus about 'casting [the great] pearls [of the Church] before swine'.

Mark said...


When they have had their way with the Church, they will abandon it, but in the meantime they efffectively will have destroyed it.

Yep, that's exactly what they'll do: abandon the Church once they've had their way.