Monday, November 13, 2006

The new Neville Chamberlain

The US and UK can't do it alone, so now they call on Syria nd Iran! If this isn't appeasement, what is? What hope have they got now of stopping Iran get the nuclear bomb?
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Photo courtesy of the BBC
BBC: Britain's policy towards Iran and Syria has not softened, Downing Street says, despite the prime minister's call for them to help bring stability to Iraq.

In a major foreign policy speech in London, Tony Blair said a "whole Middle East" policy includes co-operation with the two states.

But his spokesman insisted that did not mean offering new concessions to the governments in Tehran and Damascus. 'No softening' on Iran and Syria

Blair für Gespräche mit Syrien und Iran
Mark Alexander


Unknown said...

Is that history on your head, or did somebody crap on your shoulders Tony.

Old Saint Tone the Pious really is going to go down in history as the most reviled, incompetent man ever to have held the position of Prime Minister; and that really takes some doing as there have been some certified stinkers over the years.

What's taking so long, I can't wait for history to record its verdict, I for one, despise the man NOW. Everything, but everything the man touches turns to merde, and all accompanied by that stupid grin. Yuck! About the only thing he has figured out, is that should Islam be victorious, absolutely no one will ever even remember he ever existed. Huummm? Tempting, but...

Mark said...

There's a great leader today in The Telegraph. Click here to read it: Inviting the lunaics to help run the asylum

Mark said...

This is also worth reading: Iran plotting to groom bin Laden's successor

As is this in The Independent: Our new friends in the Middle East

Mark said...


Quote; "Alarm over al-Qa'eda deepened yesterday with a Foreign Office warning that the group was determined to acquire the technology to carry out a nuclear attack on the West.

"A senior Foreign Office official said that the terrorists were trawling the world for the materials and know-how to mount an attack using nuclear, chemical or biological weapons.

The official said: "We know that the aspiration is there, we know attempts to gather materials are there, we know that attempts to gather technologies are there.""

This is all very disturbing.

I hope our nuclearsub fleet has had it's targets upgraded and we are prepared to respond with total commitment.

Somehow, I don't think the will would be there to use this technology.

If America falters in the face of the inevitable nuclear attack on the West originating from the mid-east, as it did following 9/11, then it will be darkness over Europe for decades.

Yes, it most certainly will be. These days, one cannot go to bed certain in the knowledge that our leadership is totally in control.

I believe it will be Europe that is struck. America is too big, and has the response capability to destroy every living thing from Jordan to the roof of the Himalayas. Even Armenedjad is more cautious than to risk the complete destruction of his Cities.
Europe is a fat stupid cow, waiting to be turned over by fear and large casualties in just one nuke attack.

The Countries of Southern Europe are the most at risk from direct missile attack. A nuke in a ship-container could be delivered anywhere.

Right! Europe is the weak link in this, especially since European leadership is so liberal, and especially since far too little is being spent on the military.

Of the nuclear powers of France and Britain, who will respond? Who has the guts?

Has anyone in Europe got the guts to respond, that's the question.

Blair is playing into the hands of Armenedjhad and the lunatics of Islamic politics who are set on creating the conditions for the return of their Mahdi "saviour," and the destruction of Israel.

Blair is playing right into their hands. These powers were once part of the 'Axis of Evil'. So what's happened to change that fact? Nothing, of course!

Allowing Syria and Iran to involve themselves in Iraq will be just the thing they need to build up to a final confrontation with USA forces, to drive them from the mid-east.

This whole idea is mad!

Not that the US forces are not capable of wiping the floor with any army set against them, just that there will be no will from the Government or people, to go that route. I cannot see another Kennedy and the Bay of Pigs scenario.

There's nobody much around to take tough decisions.

The aim will be to split USA from Europe and get them to return to a polcy of selfdefense. How much will the American public want to aid France when she sets Her face against America so sourly?

Exactly! There's very little love lost between the Americans and the French these days.

If Blair was a great leader, as he wants us to think, he would announce to the World that our resolution is absolute, and that any nuclear attack will bring the ultimate and immediate response, and that NO mid-east target will be exempted. Failure to be strong now invites the inevitable.

But they're all into appeasement, especially Blair.

Tony you are lucky, you will be out of office before these events transpire.

He'll have retured on a fat pension by then.

Europe should turn to Russia for a new relationship and use the intervening years to build alternate power resources. WE MUST turn our backs on the arab-world and the black-gold.

Yes, I agree. America, Europe, and Russia need to bond much better than they are at the moment. That would keep the Islamic world in check.

We must think again and start to rebuild our armed forces, we must upgrade our nuclear defense capability, making it more accurate and useable, as France has been doing. We must think the unthinkable and prepare for the worst. To do otherwise will only signal the Early demise of our European Civilisation.

We need to spend more on the military URGENTLY.

Reverse non-European immigration, support Russia's own fight against terrorism, plan with Nato and America to be ready. A new invigorated Europe must be born, for the old one is dying, and It's enemies wait around the bed.

I couldn't agree with you more.

Mark said...


Thanks for this link. This is VERY, VERY interesting!

mirrorman said...

anton, link didn't work directly, but thanks for the tip to that Guido blog. Hillarious.