Monday, November 13, 2006

Bush and the protest vote
The mid-term elections have swept the Democrats to power in both houses of Congress. But the vote is a protest against the Republicans.

They're calling it a Blue Wave, a sweeping rejection for President Bush. A re-alignment of the political makeup of the United States. In handing power over from one party to the other, just what did American voters really say on Tuesday?

The War in Iraq - change course. The people who run the country in Washington - throw the bums out. The direction of the country - terrible. Protest vote turns the tide 'A point of view' by Tim Egan
Mark Alexander


leelion said...

it's going to be fascintating to see the election in 08', if Hillary gets in anything could happen, and probably will.

Mark, I'm cutting down internet time and won't be posting too much up to xmas, - be reading when I can though, but anyway please keep up the good work. Cheers

Mark said...

Yes, Leelion, the election of 2008 will indeed be a fascinating one. But I am no fan of Hillary Clinton, as you would probably have guessed already.

If you don't post between now and Christmas, have a great time. I shall also have to be scaling down, since I shall be going away for the period. But there's a while to go yet.

I assume that you must make a lot of preparations for the Christmas season. There are about six weeks to go yet!