Monday, November 13, 2006

Dr John Sentamu, Archbishop of York, despairs of the 'chattering classes'
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Photo courtesy of the Daily Mail
DAILY MAIL: Behind the handsome façade of Bishopthorpe Palace there is a maze of cold and shabby offices. It is here that the Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, is wrestling with the spiritual decay in Britain.

It is his job, he believes, to defend the 72 per cent of Britons who described themselves as Christians in the last census against the prevailing secularism of the 'chattering classes.'

It has fallen to a Ugandan, educated by Christian missionaries to take up the sword. In a speech he attacked the 'illiberal atheists, who, under the cloak of secularism, insist that Religion must be a private matter.' Archbishop blames 'chattering classes' for collapse of Britain's spiritual life by SARAH SANDS
Mark Alexander


beakerkin said...

The critique is on target and the UK sorely needs a Conservative alternative media.

cybercrusader said...

I am so delighted that there is at least ONE sane voice in the Anglican Communion who is defending the historic Christian Faith. Certainly there are legions of far-left, PC clergy and lay persons who are trying, in the words of Holy Scripture, to 'throw [the magnificent] pearls [of the Christian Faith] before swine'. I don't know who these folks think will be left to support the Church; the PC apostles will desert once they have accomplished the social engineering projects they are pursuing. As kids today say: 'duh'.

Mark said...

Please read this link: BBC frightened of criticising Islam, says archbishop

He lays into the BBC - rightfully so, too.

Mark said...


This archbishop is one of the few that speaks any sense at all. He would be a strong contender to become Archbishop of Canterbury next time around, in my opinion.