Monday, September 18, 2006

Stinging Bees

Ubi mel, ibi apes - Plautus

Western editors and journalists need rub their eyes in disbelief no longer. Mullahs, imams, ‘Islamists’, and those always too ready to demonstrate need waste no more energy protesting the ‘painful’ words of the ‘insensitive’ Pope. The lecture is there for all to read, in English, and in the original German. It is benign stuff indeed! Moreover, it is very erudite, and way beyond the ability of the average man in the street to comprehend.

This Pope is perhaps the most learned of popes. In so many ways he is an exalted pope, one who needs no lessons from anyone in how to conduct papal affairs, much less from the media, who love to sensationalize everything they learn of to bolster their ever-dwindling sales.

As the Neue Zürcher Zeitung so correctly stated, his words were “intelligent and necessary”. Indeed! Sadly, yet again, what was said was taken out of context. He used the following quotation from a Byzantine emperor, Manuel II Palaeologos, from the year 1391 …

"Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."

(“Zeig mir doch, was Mohammed Neues gebracht hat und da wirst du nur Schlechtes und Inhumanes finden wie dies, dass er vorgeschrieben hat, den Glauben, den er predigte, durch das Schwert zu verbreiten.”)

… and the whole world breaks out in a frenzy. How absurd!

The Vatican has stated that the actual text of Benedict XVI should be made known in the Islamic world, in full. It wants the text to be explained and elucidated, for the Vatican believes that it has been the victim of much manipulation of the text, so that its true meaning has been changed and distorted.

The Vatican wants dialogue with the Islamic world, but believes that meaningful ‘interfaith dialogue’ can only come about when the violence has stopped. The Pope, rightly, says that God abhors violence, from wherever it comes. Who can argue with that?

It is always helpful to read the text of such an important message in its original language. These things always lose something in the translation. A text as scholarly as this one is prone to lose even more when translated.

It is doubtful that many working in the Western press would have the ability to read, much less to appreciate the meaning and beauty of, the Pope’s address at the University of Regensburg. Even if some were able to read it in its original form, it is highly unlikely that they bothered to read the whole text before reporting on how ‘insensitive’ the Pope had been. Such are the ways of the press.

Instead of criticizing the Pope, I would suggest that people working in the media need to ask themselves some important questions about their readiness to blurt out, and publish abroad, statements out of context. The press should have integrity, especially over such sensitive issues.

We all know how ready the Islamic world is to pick up on anything they perceive to be insulting to their prophet or religion. The Islamic world is like a tinderbox waiting for a match to be struck.

One should bear in mind, of course, that this Pope is not the darling of the liberal press anyway; so they are only waiting to pick up on something to get him into the quagmire. Why? It’s simple! He is against many of the issues the PC apostles espouse: He is against gay marriage, against the ordination of women, against relativism, against the use of condoms even to prevent AIDS, and against Turkey’s entry into the European Union. He is also anti-abortion. Briefly put: He is not liberal.

His grasp and understanding of the teachings of Christianity are profound; indeed, his understanding, naturally, surpasses the understanding of lesser mortals. And that’s how it should be, of course. Furthermore, he sets an extremely high standard in matters of morality. And so he should. After all, how could we hold in high esteem a pope that gave free rein to all that liberals hold dear? Liberals wish to change the very nature of Christianity itself. Aren’t many of these people going to abandon the Church, anyway, once they have achieved their aims?

This Pope has gone further than any previous pope in apologizing for ‘hurting the sensitivities’ of Muslims worldwide; yet many still feel he has not gone far enough. One can only shake one’s head in disbelief! I ask you one simple question: When are Muslims going to apologize to the people of the West for all their violence and beheadings and insults? When are they going to apologize for 9/11? For Madrid? For the London bombings? For Bali? Why don’t we demand of them what they incessantly demand of us? Why should there be this double standard? Do you, for example, like being referred to as an infidel (kafir)? That word alone should send shivers down the spine of any devout Christian. The meaning of the word kafir is actually not simply that one is not one of the faithful. In Arabic, that word has all kinds of pejorative connotations, connotations of uncleanness and inferiority. I, for one, take exception to these people referring to Westerners as inferior. Such arrogance! Such self-importance! And such stupidity!

They think this, of course, because they believe that they are Allah’s chosen people. They believe that anyone that has not yet embraced Islam is living in a backward state of jahiliyyah, the wretched, dystopian, chaotic, pre-Islamic state. Funny, isn’t it, that God has chosen the West to be so much more advanced?

Karen Armstrong, in today’s Guardian (see below), was very critical of the Pope. In an article entitled, We cannot afford to maintain these ancient prejudices against Islam, she surely misunderstood the Pope’s message! She wrote: ”He has, most unfortunately, withdrawn from the interfaith initiatives inaugurated by his predecessor, John Paul II, at a time when they are more desperately needed than ever. Coming on the heels of the Danish cartoon crisis, his remarks were extremely dangerous. They will convince more Muslims that the west is incurably Islamophobic and engaged in a new crusade.”

No, no, no, Ms Armstrong! He hasn’t withdrawn from interfaith dialogue at all! What he has done is try to point out that for there to be meaningful dialogue, the violence has to stop. He is trying to pull the zealots up higher. No moderate, reasonable Muslim can object to that; and after all is said and done, it is with reasonable Muslims that any meaningful ‘interfaith dialogue’ can take place.

The fact of the matter is that everybody has climbed onto the bandwagon. Both non-Muslims and Muslims alike have taken one ancient quotation out of context in the hope of ridiculing this wonderful Pope. Fortunately, and as one would expect, he has responded intelligently, serenely, and with dignity.

Unfortunately, where there is honey, there are bees. Bees sting! If the Pope is guilty of anything, he is guilty of forgetting that.

©Mark Alexander

All rights reserved


Mark said...


wie lange müssen wir christen uns eigentlich noch von diesen ************* auf der nase herumtanzen lassen bis auch der letzte unserer korrupten und gekauften politiker merkt wo es lang geht???

Das weiß ich je auch nicht! Leider!

Wie Sie gesagt haben, "korrupt und gekauft" scheinen die Politiker sicher zu sein. Was halten sie eigentlich von den Leuten? Daß sie dumm und blöd sind, oder was?

Wie Sie, habe ich auch genug gehabt von der Feigheit der Politiker. Der Papst, mit seinen Worten, muß sie wirklich geschüttelt haben!

Was geben uns die Moslems außer Schwierigkeiten und Sorgen?

Always On Watch said...

Thank you for posting this excellent essay. Well said!

Meaningful dialogue with Muslims? That's an oxymoron. The only dialogue in which Muslims engage relates to hudna.

I left the following comment at another site, and I'll leave it here as well (I'm pressed for time; work calls):

As to the Pope's sort-of apology, what might matter more than the words he used is the screaming of headlines ("Pope Apologizes"). Muslims will perceive the Pope's attempt at reconciliation as weakness and--worse--as another victory of Allah (to add to their list: the attack on the Marine barracks in Lebanon through whatever else in more recent times).

I'm sick of Muslims' temper tantrums! Last winter, we saw the Cartoonifada; now we have the Vaticanifada. And next month or next year, we'll have the ___________.

Anonymous said...

Outstanding blog! Unfortunately, the Pope is an apologist, and it is the apologists that are fueling the drive of Islamism.

Keep up the fine work and feel free to stop by my blog someday.

Anonymous said...

Note to anon: Sadly, us Christians are playing along with the apologetics. I can only hope that we will all wake up one day and start fighting against our enemies.

Mark said...

Thank you, Always.

I'm sick of Muslims' temper tantrums! Last winter, we saw the Cartoonifada; now we have the Vaticanifada. And next month or next year, we'll have the ___________.

I can't fill in the gap, unfortunately, because nobody knows what could come next. Muslims are emotional people. It could be anything!

I think we are all sick of their temper tantrums. High time for them to stop. They need to show their maturity!

Mark said...


Outstanding blog!

Thank you. I much appreciate your compliment.

Unfortunately, the Pope is an apologist, and it is the apologists that are fueling the drive of Islamism.

I am sorry to disagree with you; but I don't think he is. I think this pope, of all popes, is well aware of the issues.

Keep up the fine work and feel free to stop by my blog someday.

Thank you again. I shall certainly stop by. I hope you will stop by again very soon, too.

Eleanor © said...

Mark - Thank you for your excellent essay. I am also very tired of Muslims tirades and temper tantrums that lend credence to the words of that long-dead Byzantine.

We in America are have to put up with taqiyya and kitman strategies as spokesperson are attempting to smooth over the effect of the rioters: but to no avail.

The Pope said nothing that isn't obvious to even the most careless observer; and it was a quote, not even his own words. Even if he had make a serious gaffe, the fact that his life is now in greater peril than even, the fact that unlucky Christians caught in Muslim lands may not survive, that churches are being burned and clerics and sheikhs are whipping up the masses tells us that they are looking for an excuse, any excuse, to bully and intimidate, to create a situation where "decent people will have to kneel before the indecent."

It's hard to believe what one is seeing unfolding before our eyes.

The Old Nail said...

"Was geben uns die Moslems außer Schwierigkeiten und Sorgen?"

Antwort - Haß, Verabscheuen, und Betrug.

Congratulations also to the NPD, excellent news for those that fight against Eurabia!

The Old Nail said...

"I'm sick of Muslims' temper tantrums! Last winter, we saw the Cartoonifada; now we have the Vaticanifada. And next month or next year, we'll have the ___________."

Westerners-are-fighting-back-ifada :-)

By the way, cartoonifada... I love that term LOL.

Mark said...

Old Nail:

Antwort - Haß, Verabscheuen, und Betrug.

In der Tat! Was sonst? Sie glauben von sich, weiß Gott wer zu sein. Die Erde, und alles was darin steht, gehört ihnen! Das haben Sie sicher gewußt. Jetzt haben wir das Problem: Was machen wir mit Leuten, die glauben, daß Europa (und Amerika) ihnen gehören?

NPD? Duh! Please explain.

Mark said...


Mark - Thank you for your excellent essay.

You're welcome! I am so glad you enjoyed reading it.

I am also very tired of Muslims tirades and temper tantrums that lend credence to the words of that long-dead Byzantine.

Aren't we all? All they know how to do is bitch and moan and whine!

We in America are have to put up with taqiyya and kitman strategies as spokesperson are attempting to smooth over the effect of the rioters: but to no avail.

They will go on and on and on!

The Pope said nothing that isn't obvious to even the most careless observer; and it was a quote, not even his own words. Even if he had make a serious gaffe, the fact that his life is now in greater peril than even, the fact that unlucky Christians caught in Muslim lands may not survive, that churches are being burned and clerics and sheikhs are whipping up the masses tells us that they are looking for an excuse, any excuse, to bully and intimidate, to create a situation where "decent people will have to kneel before the indecent."

It's an outrage and a disgrace!

It's hard to believe what one is seeing unfolding before our eyes.

Very, very hard, too!

Mark said...


Welcome back! Long time, no hear!

Hello Mark, I think that the Pope's exit has been very good, he wasn't in an easy situation. We can say many things, but He is the shepherd of million of people. For someone, this is dhimmitude, but there aren't. But in this war with islam, we can't win, without children, without good mass media and without good politicians. And in addition sadly, the wars strength islam.

I think the Pope has got out of this with dignity. He has not actually apologized in the true sense of the word; but he has said sorry for the hurt he has caused. Very clever!


Greetings to you, too, my friend. Please stop by again soon.

Mark said...

jaowqtiaOld Nail:

Back2dunifada? :-)

Pastorius said...


You asked: Do you, for example, like being referred to as an infidel (kafir)?

I say: As far as I am concerned, the Infidels are the ones who beat back the Muslims from the Gates of Vienna.

I believe that in calling myself an Infidel, I am part of a proud heritage.

Mark said...


That may well be so; but it's an insult nevertheless. And they are the ones always on about being insulted. It's high time we fought back! I DO NOT LIKE BEING CALLED AN INFIDEL BY THESE PEOPLE! YOU MIGHT LIKE IT; BUT I DON'T!

Anonymous said...

Well said, Mark. You might all be interested in another excellent piece of journalism by David Warren, entitled Apologize for what?

Mark said...


Alike most western leaders, is he really, and if so, why are they not speaking out and addressing the problem of vermin that we are now facing?

I agree with you that Western leaders should be speaking out. In fact, I believe that it's a disgrace that they are not. But they are too cowardly. The Pope, however, is not. The Pope has said what was needed to be said; but all the world, including our craven leaders and editors and journalists, criticize him.

I believe that the Pope, with this lecture, has set the ball rolling. The politicians will not be able to stop it now. It will gain momentum, because the politicians are now powerless to do anything about it. It's been said. Basta!

PS - Kafir and proud but I see your point about the Infidel word; it does sound rather demeaning. However, I'd rather be called an Infidel over an infantile Jihadist anyday.

I still think that we are letting them off the hook to allow them to use the term. It's as abusive as the term 'Paki'. Arguably more so. They shouldn't be allowed to get away with it. To a practising Christian, they are infidels. I wonder what would happen if Christians went around referring to them as infidels? They would be perfectly justified in doing so.

Mark said...

I'm glad you liked it, Judah.

Anonymous said...

Beautifully said, Mark et al.
I can see the need to get out my language tapes now you are broadening your readership across the World!

It is not at all racist to call a Pakistani a "Paki." (In my book)
I can show you several corner-shops shops called "Pak.." this or that.

It is after all an abreviation of a name concocted to describe an area of former India, taken by riots and wars from the Hindu majority by the Moslims.
I am not offended by being called a "Brit," although some Americans may take exception when called a "Yank,"
I do not see "Yanks" or "Brits" burning effigies of Irans Armenedjhad, Although that may yet come about! And perhaps not effigies!

We all know that this faked up "sensitivity" on Allah's behalf counts for nothing except an excuse to break Western laws by inciting race-hate and intolerance.
As some other commenters have pointed out, why does an omnipotent, all-mighty Allah need the help of mere mortals, when acording to some, He could break the World in two, should He so wish.

It all proves the point you make, that Islam is more a political ideology similar in so many respects to any totaliterian rule, such as Nazism or Stalinism.

Could this be why so many ex-Stalinist "New Labour" supporters are proud to praise Moslems when they call for laws to be broken and excuse themselves by saying our laws don't count, only Sharia does?
Have they forgotten that most of Western laws, at their heart, are based on Moses' commandments?!