Saturday, September 23, 2006

The Pope's Lecture at Regensburg University

"Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." - Byzantine Emperor Manuel II Palaeologos (1350-1425)

LECTURE OF THE HOLY FATHER: Faith, Reason and the University Memories and Reflections

"Zeig mir doch, was Mohammed Neues gebracht hat und da wirst du nur Schlechtes und Inhumanes finden wie dies, dass er vorgeschrieben hat, den Glauben, den er predigte, durch das Schwert zu verbreiten." - byzantinische Kaiser Manuel II. Palaeologos (1350-1425)

ANSPRACHE VON BENEDIKT XVI: Glaube, Vernunft und Universität. Erinnerungen und Reflexionen

"Montre-moi donc ce que Mahomet a apporté de nouveau. Tu ne trouveras que des choses mauvaises et inhumaines, comme le droit de défendre par l'épée la foi qu'il prêchait." - l'empereur byzantin Manuel II Paléologue (1350-1425)

DISCOURS DU SAINT-PÈRE: Foi, Raison et Université: souvenirs et réflexions

"Mostrami pure ciò che Maometto ha portato di nuovo, e vi troverai soltanto delle cose cattive e disumane, come la sua direttiva di diffondere per mezzo della spada la fede che egli predicava." - imperatore bizantino Manuele II Paleologo (1350-1425)

DISCORSO DEL SANTO PADRE: Fede, ragione e università. Ricordi e riflessioni.

"Muéstrame también lo que Mahoma ha traído de nuevo, y encontrarás solamente cosas malas e inhumanas, como su directriz de difundir por medio de la espada la fe que predicaba." - emperador bizantino Manuel II Paleólogo (1350-1425)

DISCURSO DEL SANTO PADRE: Fe, razón y universidad. Recuerdos y reflexiones
Mark Alexander


Anonymous said...

Why does the historical truth hurt Muslims so much?
Are we supposed to rewrite the words of a Ruler who was confronted with an attack on the heart of the Holy Roman Empire at Constantinople?
Do the Moslims refrain from telling us what they think of us?
What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
Blimey, I've just reminded myself that Christmas is around the corner.

Mark said...


Welcome! It's been a while. It's always good to hear from you.

Thank you for this information and the link; but please note that I have already posted that video on this website. I posted it back in August this year; so you can also click HERE TO WATCH IT.

Mark said...

Why does the historical truth hurt Muslims so much?

That's an excellent question. If what Palaeologos said had not an atom of truth in it, they should be able to shrug his comments off. But when what has been said is true, then that truth can hurt - BADLY!

Muslims are notorious for being sensitive anyway. Try working with them! They can be impossible!

Allowing all these Muslims into the West has been a great mistake. They will constantly try and change our way of life, and change the system. We shall have to be STRONG to resist them. The trouble is that most Westerners are anything but strong. Westerners are inclined NOT to stand up for our traditions and customs, and are inclined to give in to anything for a quiet life. Such a strategy will be VERY DANGEROUS if applied to Muslims.

Are we supposed to rewrite the words of a Ruler who was confronted with an attack on the heart of the Holy Roman Empire at Constantinople?

It would seem so, wouldn't it?

Do the Moslims refrain from telling us what they think of us?

They certainly don't. In fact, they can be downright rude.

What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

Isn't that the truth!

Blimey, I've just reminded myself that Christmas is around the corner.

Yep, it's just around the corner. All those lovely wines and spirits! And pork! All that juicy crackling! Delicious!