Sunday, August 20, 2006

Hitler and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem

The following video has been kindly brought to my attention by Norman Caswallon. (Thank you, Norman!) It shows the close relationship Hitler had with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini. The Mufti's visit to Berlin, where he met with Hitler, took place in 1941. What did they have in common? Anti-Semitism, of course!

Video courtesy of You Tube
Mark Alexander


L said...

This important connection - little known - needs all the publicity it can get.

When I saw the rise of the "anti-globalisation" movement some years ago, I saw it for exactly what it was: antisemitism.

When will the West (and its population) realise that Israel is fighting for its life, and that we are next on the list. Hitler's "limited" "annexations" before WW2 kicked off are very interesting parallels.

The tragedy is that we are reliving the appeasement stage of the late thirties, and there is no Churchill in sight.

Still, I believe that in the long term, WE SHALL PREVAIL!

Mark said...


The West seems not to want to see that Israel is fighting for its life. As the saying goes: There are none so blind as those who don't wish to see.

On top of that, there is so much money being made from the Arab world, which is, of course, Islamic. Money from oil and armaments is the root of much of our problems.

I hope you're right about us prevailing in the long-term. It doesn't look much like that now, though, does it? The West has become too complacent for its own good. It needs to wake up, it needs to shake itself out of its reveries.