Saturday, September 23, 2006

"If you wish to stay, then behave yourselves"
THE TELEGRAPH: One of the marks of our humaneness as a people is that we long ago stopped using the mentally ill as objects of entertainment and derision. We should, however, be thankful that this rule was breached by the BBC on yesterday's Today programme on Radio 4.

In a superb interview, John Humphrys questioned the so-called Islamic radical Abu Izzadeen (né Trevor Brooks, but chacun à son gout, as we say in Essex) about why he had angrily shouted down the Home Secretary, John Reid, during a speech Mr Reid made in east London on Wednesday. Among other insanities and absurdities, Trev said the following things: that Tony Blair is a tyrant, that he and George Bush are on a crusade against the whole of Islam, and that he wants sharia law imposed on this country. Trev would be risible were he not so nasty by Simon Heffer
Mark Alexander


Anonymous said...

Mr. Heffer makes good sense, but he should not be so gullible as to think that "Trev" the islamic militant,was alone in those beliefs. (could be the basis of a comedy sketch, that, along the lines of the "Tooting Popular Front" if anyone remembers that show.)
Nice article, Simon Heffer, it needs to be said, but look over your shoulder towards Palestine and Mid-East, and there you will find dear old Trev has several million good buddies, all of them of the similar views about us and our civilisation.
En garde.

Mark said...

Yes, Temple, that was one thing I noticed, too: That he seemed to be implying that "Trev" was alone. But somehow, I don't think Heffer is that gullible. I think he must have been trying to be diplomatic, for I am sure there are limits to what he can say when writing for a newspaper.

Eleanor © said...

Offense is the best defense as they say. They can't defend their posture or negate the "lies" said about them without howling and whining about how they are the being victimized and using perjorative terms to label all that point inconvenient facts.

If there was nothing to worry about, they would have to overreact or react in a disproportionate manner! It's been the same since the beginning of Islam.

cybercrusader said...

Someone should send "Trev" to live under Sharia in the Middle East. I, for one, would happily pay his airfare (one-way) to Mecca.

Anonymous said...

usiconoclatic, I will chuck in a few Euros for that ticket. Do you accept Pay-Pal?

Mark said...


Offense is the best defense as they say. They can't defend their posture or negate the "lies" said about them without howling and whining about how they are the being victimized and using perjorative terms to label all that point inconvenient facts.

Yes, always attack. That's the only way to win a war. That's why the West has taken five years to get nowhere with this "war". We ain't attacking as we should. The way this "war" is being waged, it will go on for another five years, too; and then some. In fact, it will go on and on and on. But then, I forgot: Bush has a big friendship with the Saudis, doesn't he? Remember that kiss?

If there was nothing to worry about, they would [not] have to overreact or react in a disproportionate manner! It's been the same since the beginning of Islam.

Quite right. Take this as an example. If someone tells a very confident and beautiful lady that she's ugly, is she going to be upset by that? Certainly not. She can just look into the mirror and see for herself that the accusation is totally baseless. That's how it is with the truth.

Yes, it sure has been like that since the beginning with Islam. But have we in the West learnt anything? Nope!

Mark said...


Someone should send "Trev" to live under Sharia in the Middle East. I, for one, would happily pay his airfare (one-way) to Mecca.

What a great idea! I tell you what: I'll go halves with you. But on one condition. On the condition that he flies cattle class!

Mark said...

Roaring Mouse: This is not going to be so onerous after all. We've alread got three contributors. Perhaps we can find a fourth. :-)