Wednesday, September 20, 2006

A British Muslim being reasonable
Mark Alexander


Mark said...

What a BRILLIANT post! At least there's one person out there who understands what the issues are.

Mark said...


One thing must be borne in mind here: We have had many years of weak government under Tony Blair. So these morons are playing around with us. As the saying goes, while the cat's away, the mice will play! The same can be said for a strong leader: In the absence of a strong leader, the mice will play. And 'play' they do.

Time for strong government! Time for tough action!

cybercrusader said...

Indeed, Tony Blair and George Bush are weak, incompetent, and crooked (one can only suspect they are 'on the take' from the Saudis). As you say, Mark, in the face of such weakness, the barbarians will take us over. Can we not find one strong, resolute leader to get us out of this mess? I certainly hope we can before it is too late and this magnificent civilization is destroyed by desert savages.

Anonymous said...

since i still haven't found in the boston newspapers more inforamtion concerning the turkish lawsuit to prevent the teaching of the Armenian massacre, i did find some telephone numbers and emails for some of those involved, and i am starting with this blog to start sharing this information and then i will start informing the boston newspapers of this information as well as other blogs.

contact info to prevent the turkish government getting aid from American federal courts in preventing teaching of the Armenian genocide:
email =
(202) 775-1918

Arnold R Rosenfeld
email =
Aimee E Bierman
email =
Kirkland & Lockhart Nicholson Graham LLP
75 State Street
6th Floor
Boston MA 02109
(617) 951-9125

Erwin Chemerinsky
Duke University School of Law
Science Drive and Towerview Road
Durham North Carolina 27708
(919) 613-7173

i hope others finds this information of interest thank you for your time

GOD bless you
scary sexy chocolate thing

Mark said...

Thank you for this information, Scary Sexy Chocolate Thing.

Mark said...


however, i saw how adu izzadeen stood up and cryed wolf about how muslims are the target of unfare attenion by the police, i did not hear him condem the attacks on churches in gaza, or the shooting of a nun in somalia, no.
or condeming the 7/7 attacks.

You won't hear him condemning the attacks on churches, etc, because to do so he would be criticizing his Muslim brothers.

instead he says that british muslims are under scrutiny, by the police. and that the forest gate raid was unjust. well as far as i can see where theres smoke theres fire, and the state of some areas in london its no wonder we have raid like forest gate.

British Muslims are under scrutiny for one simple fact: They are the ones causing all the trouble. If they were to give up their evil ways and stop the terrorism, then they wouldn't have to be scrutinized, would they?

FACT; in the brough of newham, east london, asians (muslims) are in the majority.

How depressing!

i know our countrys immagration has a lot to awnser for.

Immigration is the underlying answer to the problem in its entirety. Without subsequent waves of immigrants from Muslim countries, we wouldn't be having these problems today. But they are still being allowed in in the name of political correctness, and in order to satisfy the needs of industry. Further, they are breeding like the proverbial r******! The needs of industry, seemingly, take precedence over our own civilized way of life!

evil breeds evil, and if left to fester, this evil will grow like cancer

It already is. It is metastasizing to every corner of the land.