Friday, September 22, 2006

Back to the Stone Age!
THE INDEPENDENT: The President of Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf, reveals in an interview to be aired at the weekend that, soon after the terror attacks of 11 September 2001, the United States threatened to bomb his country "back into the Stone Age" if he didn't offer its co-operation in fighting terrorism and the Taliban. Musharraf: US threatened to bomb Pakistan
Mark Alexander


Anonymous said...

Well now, maybe it's a pity Musharaf took heed of the warning.
This could explain why Pakistan remains a source of World heroin supply and a refuge for Bin Lathered.
Not to mention their other export, hot-headed religious types willing to call for the death of Western civilisation and the instalation of Sharia law.

Anonymous said...

anon, yes and did you hear that young muslim calling for Sharia on Today, the morning BBC news programme?
He basically called for death to Bush and Blair, John Reid and all the "Crusaders" that are killing the Muslims in even greater numbers than Bin Ladeens attack on 9/11. WTCentre.
This guy was one of the hecklers at Minster John Reids address to Muslims in London. He is either alMahajiroun or Hizb ul Tahir associated.
There are so many of these islamofacista anti-Democratic nutter groups about, it is hard to tell one from the other.
And still the Blair government lets these hatemongers wander the streets of Britain spreading their message, at the same time as we get outrages where Gloucester Police, for instance, turn down 100 male applicants for the police-force, because they are white, male, and British!!!
What a Government of wan*ers we have.

One of the email respondents to the Today interview posed this question
"how many of the majority of Muslims does this person represent?"

And another asked, "If they are so abused by life in Democratic Britain, why don't they pack up and go to Saudi Arabia to live under Sharia?"

The agitator had been asked a similar question by the interviewer, and the reply given was along these lines,-- "We are Muslims, Britain does not belong to the AngloSaxons or asnyone else, it was created by ASllah for the Muslims as was all the Earth and it is their duty to spread Sharia until the whole planet is under that rule"

Well John Reid, have you got the message yet?
Tony, do you give a f*g, about the future of this Country?
You may as well hand the country over to this guy and appoint Communist/Stalinist George Galloway as the replacement for the Queen!
And Kem Livingstone can be Minister for Sharia law enforcement!

cybercrusader said...

Alas, too bad we didn't do it....

Mark said...


Well now, maybe it's a pity Musharaf took heed of the warning.

Well yes, why did he? I have always cringed when the President et al have referred to Pakistan as "our ally" in the "war on terror". How can they ever be allies? They're Muslims! Muslims cannot be our allies. They belong to the worldwide Ummah - people who seek the destruction of Israel and the destruction of Western civilization.

This could explain why Pakistan remains a source of World heroin supply and a refuge for Bin Lathered.

Not to mention their other export, hot-headed religious types willing to call for the death of Western civilisation and the instalation of Sharia law.

They can keep their exports. We don't need them!

Mark said...


anon, yes and did you hear that young muslim calling for Sharia on Today, the morning BBC news programme?

He basically called for death to Bush and Blair, John Reid and all the "Crusaders" that are killing the Muslims in even greater numbers than Bin Ladeens attack on 9/11. WTCentre.

This guy was one of the hecklers at Minster John Reids address to Muslims in London. He is either alMahajiroun or Hizb ul Tahir associated.
There are so many of these islamofacista anti-Democratic nutter groups about, it is hard to tell one from the other.

Why do we put up with all this nonsense? Why don't we kick them out?

And still the Blair government lets these hatemongers wander the streets of Britain spreading their message, at the same time as we get outrages where Gloucester Police, for instance, turn down 100 male applicants for the police-force, because they are white, male, and British!!!

How disgraceful! To turn down 100 white, male, British people for the British police force is an outrage! The sooner we overturn these ridiulous policies, the better!

What a Government of wan*ers we have.

Exactly! They don't represent my views, I can assure you.

One of the email respondents to the Today interview posed this question
"how many of the majority of Muslims does this person represent?"

Excellent question. Very, very many, would be my estimate.

And another asked, "If they are so abused by life in Democratic Britain, why don't they pack up and go to Saudi Arabia to live under Sharia?"

Yes why don't we banish them to somewhere like Saudi Arabia where Shari'ah is proudly practised? We certainly don't want them, or need them, here.

The agitator had been asked a similar question by the interviewer, and the reply given was along these lines,-- "We are Muslims, Britain does not belong to the AngloSaxons or asnyone else, it was created by ASllah for the Muslims as was all the Earth and it is their duty to spread Sharia until the whole planet is under that rule"

This just goes to show what a bloody mess we have got ourselves into with all these Muslim immigrants. Has Blair sealed the borders yet, I wonder? Somehow, I doubt it.

Well John Reid, have you got the message yet?
Tony, do you give a f*g, about the future of this Country?

I think the damn lot of those in government are incompetent.

You may as well hand the country over to this guy and appoint Communist/Stalinist George Galloway as the replacement for the Queen!
And Kem Livingstone can be Minister for Sharia law enforcement!

These people are NEVER going to be loyal to Her Majesty. Never!

We've got ourselves into a situation in which really tough measures need to be taken; but there is no one tough enough to take such decisions.

Mark said...


Alas, too bad we didn't do it....

Isn't it? Never mind, Iran may have the treatment instead.

cybercrusader said...

It would be so wonderful for the Muslims had we sent them back to the stone age. They would be so happy with their archaic and benighted religion and their utter lack of any notable achievements in the modern world. They could carry on their rabid, irrational and hateful demonstrations in the streets and decent people would not be alarmed. I don't know how they would live, but then how do they live now? They certainly don't WORK, afterall they don't have time will all their prayers and their hateful and racist demonstrations. Certainly people in that time were not so worried about cutting their enemies heads off as we are in this day and age. Indeed, it would be a great service to these folks if we sent them back to the stone age for afterall, THAT IS WHERE THEY BELONG!