Thursday, August 17, 2006

The Church must reach out to alienated Muslims, say interfaithers
THE CHURCH of England must play its part to make sure the Muslim community does not become demonised or alienated in the wake of last week’s terror alert, according to senior interfaith representatives. Church urged to reach out to alienated Muslim communities by Ed Beavan for 'The Church of England Newspaper'
Mark Alexander


Mark said...

Welcome, Eyesallaround:

No, they just don't get it. Not at all. It seems that the leaders of the Church of England have crossed the Rubicon. They are in bed with the Antichrist. Christianity will almost inevitably be annihilated as a result. They are fools; or, as you say, nincompoops.

Mark said...

Yes, Mussolini, the apologies will surely come. Pathetic isn't it? I have just been given to understand that President Bush has already apologized to the Saudis for using the term, "Islamic fascists"! How pathetic is that?

SlantRight 2.0 said...

I am beginning to think if terrorists actually pull off a successful act of horror, that the MSM and the "Politically Correct" will have de-sensitized the public so much that there will not be any will to confront the origins of the act.

cybercrusader said...

Alas, I fear that the free world is "done for" as my grandmother used to say. So is the church with such naive fools in the clergy. I despair of all of this; we need a leader like Churchill who understands the issues and is willing to take them on with strength not pandering cowardice as some of the CofE clergy/would-be-clergy advocate.