Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Too little, too late?

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US President George W Bush has unveiled plans, including an inquiry into price fixing, to lower the cost of oil and cut climbing petrol prices.

Mr Bush told the Renewable Fuels Association that the US needs to "get off its dependency on oil" as crude costs have moved towards record levels.

The US will also stop topping up the strategic oil reserve, boost domestic output and promote alternative fuels.
Mr Bush said that oil and petrol prices were a matter of national security[.] Read it all here: Bush plans to tackle petrol price


Dan Zaremba said...

Din't he say something similar in the beginning of his first term?

Mark said...

This is the problem. Talk won't cut the mustard.

Mother Effingby said...

Excellent essay on the futility of interfaith dialogue...I have always thought it an act of stubborn defiance of facts and logic to have such, but does anyone listen to ME? No. One point about your blog....please change the headers from the bright blue that you are now using. They shimmer and are hard to read, a soothing sky blue or light green would help. The contrast is hurting my beautiful eyes!

Mark said...

Welcome, Jauhara!

Excellent essay on the futility of interfaith dialogue...

Thank you, thank you, my friend!

I have always thought it an act of stubborn defiance of facts and logic to have such, but does anyone listen to ME?

It is such an act. And people should listen to you. You're speaking the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

One point about your blog....please change the headers from the bright blue that you are now using. They shimmer and are hard to read, a soothing sky blue or light green would help.

Thank you for your feedback.

The problem you are experiencing must be caused by your browser. The headers look very nice on my browser (Safari), and did on my old browser (Internet Explorer), too.

I must say I am reluctant to change that colour, since I like it very much. However, as I am always ready to please when I can, I shall do some experimenting (when I get the time) to see if I can come up with something else which I find aesthetically pleasing, and which will not hurt your eyes. The pale green you mentioned does not please me at all. I don't like the combination of black and pale green. But pale blue might be okay. I'll take a look. I shall also experiment with some other colours.

The contrast is hurting my beautiful eyes!

I certainly don't want to hurt your "beautiful eyes"! :-(

Mark said...


This is all hot air.

Yes, I'm afraid so.

We have had alternative fuels for decades. Coal-to-oil has existed in practice since nazi Germany.

Costs to produce fuel from coal with the technological advances we have run around $30 per barrel.

Why aren't we pursuing this?

Because too many people (and especially in the top echelons) are making too much money from oil. That's why! the oncentive to pursue alternative fuels isn't there.

Oil is more profitable.

Right on!

Ethanol from plants has been around for decades. This focus on corn is inefficient and a sop to big agri-business that are republican donors. Other non-food plants can be used more efficiently than corn.

Rather than develop these alternative sources of energy, they'd rather keep on making profits and destroy our wonderful civilization into the bargain.

This isn't too little too late - this is business as usual.

Indeed. Empty words: that's what they are.

Mark said...


I have heeded your advice in an effort to please you, and in an effort to avoid hurting your "beautiful eyes". I have chosen cornflower blue. I do hope that this helps; and I hope you agree that it looks attractive.

Always On Watch said...

GWB is uttering platitudes because of the upcoming mid-term elections. Just politicking.

Mark said...


Do politicians do anything but posture these days?