Monday, February 20, 2006

A warning from a Christian Arab
[Editor's Note: Below are selected excerpts from Brigitte Gabriel's speech delivered at the Intelligence Summit in Washington DC, Saturday February 18, 2006].

We gather here today to share information and knowledge. Intelligence is not merely cold hard data about numerical strength or armament or disposition of military forces. The most important element of intelligence has to be understanding the mindset and intention of the enemy. The West has been wallowing in a state of ignorance and denial for thirty years as Muslim extremist perpetrated evil against innocent victims in the name of Allah.
Read it all here: Because they hate

With thanks and appreciation to Frontpagemag



cybercrusader said...

Mark, you say that:

There is nothing loving or peaceful about Islam. History shows us this is so. To be loving and peaceful is not its nature. Islam is a proselytizing, conquering, bloodthirsty religion; and in the same way that a Muslim has to submit totally to Allah, we, the conquered, will have to submit to the will of the Muslim, too!

As usual, you are "spot on". The assertion of certain politicians, who shall remain unnamed, that Islam is a religion of love and peace is made by those who have been smoking something -- not tobacco -- they simply do not know either history or theology. Islam is a barbaric religion which is intolerant; proscribes medieval and savage punishments, including the cutting off of limbs and beheadings; is Jew-hating and Christian-hating; advocates the oppression and subjugation of women; which has at its very core, hatred and intolerance; is hardly a religion of love and peace, much less one that a modern, free and decent persons can embrace. Islam is not a REAL religion, rather it is a political CULT posing as a religion in order to come under the western dogma that all religions should be protected. Given its agenda to enslave the world, Islam does not merit any protection at all.

Mark said...

US Iconoclastic Patriot:

Given its agenda to enslave the world, Islam does not merit any protection at all.

Exactly. Why should we protect it? Does it protect us? And in any case, Islam has shown itself to be strong throughout the ages. Indeed, strength is one of its hallmarks.

Mark said...

Has anyone been able to find out the answer to JudahQ's question yet?