Tuesday, February 07, 2006

This soft approach to militant Muslims is a gift to the far Right
By Simon Heffer in The Daily Telegraph
Yesterday in Afghanistan the worldwide mob engaging in an engineered protest about the Danish cartoons claimed its first lives. Elsewhere, as extremists continue to burn flags and embassies, and demand executions, exterminations and beheadings because of the mocking of their religion and their prophet, the British Government lurches slowly towards a realisation that its response to militant Islam during these frightening events might just have been incoherent and casual.
Read it all here.



cybercrusader said...

Mark, As I read your comment and then the article by Simon Heffer, a great sadness came over me. Clearly, Tony Blair and his government, especially Mr Straw, will be treated so badly by history for their pandering incompetence and unbelievable naivete. I suppose they don't care how they are viewed by those who come after them--- perhaps they are not aware enough to understand the realities of the situation. If only they could wake up to the truth and reality of the situation, their legacies could be saved. I guess we will have to wait and see.....

cybercrusader said...

Mark, Thank you so much for directing us to Simon Heffer's article in the telegraph I especially appreciated the fact that he pointed out to us that the words and actions of the weak and sniveling politicians and more especially the pathetic Sir Ian Blair only serve to increase hatred, not decrease it. Unfortunately decent people don't run for office in this day and age. If only these poor folks who are not up to the challenges of the forces of darkness that surround us would take themselves out of leadership positions, we could honestly thank and appreciate them.