Friday, February 10, 2006

The snowball keeps on rolling and keeps on getting larger and larger!

The West has got itself into a fine mess with Islam!. Let’s face it! We’re in a fix with it! In a hole! But we keep on digging away, and the hole is getting ever bigger.

The problem is crystal clear: We inhabit a very different world from Muslims. Ours is one of liberty and democracy. We are free to choose our religion and free not to choose one if we so wish. We are also free to live our lives as we see fit. Muslims, however, inhabit a world that contrasts sharply with ours. They are not free to choose their religion; and they are certainly not free to reject religion. The rejection of Islam – apostasy – is punishable by death in most Islamic countries. Apostates are unceremoniously killed! Nor are Muslims free to live how they wish. Everything is either prescribed or proscribed for them, according to the dictates of their prophet, the Prophet Muhammad.

The Western way of life is anathema to Muslims; yet President Bush thought he could bring democracy to them. This was a foolish idea from the beginning. No democracy can ever be brought to a Muslim nation. Islam and democracy are simply totally incompatible. You cannot have an Islamic democracy. This is an oxymoron. Democracy, by definition, holds to a separation of church and state. Islam does not allow for any separation of mosque and state. So to talk of Islamic democracy is totally ridiculous! It’s like saying you can vote for any candidate as long as he is a devout Muslim! How ridiculous is that!

I have said all along, and I shall say it again: It would have been far better to safeguard our own democracies at home rather than try and bring democracy to Muslims. First of all, it cannot be done; secondly, they don’t want it anyway even if it could be. Democracy to a Muslim is symbolic of the ‘Christian’ West – their historic arch-enemy! They view our attempt to bring democracy to them as a form of Western imperialism; and they don’t want it!

But I tell you now: Most Westerners do want democracy! Sadly, however, we are losing it because of our appeasement of Muslims and the Islamic world; and we don’t want that!

The West has been sent into crisis since 9/11. It’s a crisis that has been totally mis-managed. Why? Because our leaders lack the courage to take the necessary bold steps to stop the advance and furtherance of Islam in the West, because our leaders are largely ignorant of the religion of Islam (they call it a ‘religion of love and peace’ whereas in actual fact it is anything but loving or peaceful), and because our leaders have absolutely no understanding of how to deal with Muslims and the Islamic world.

Ever since 9/11, President Bush and his administration, as well as Blair and his, have been trotting around the world stage making allowances for Muslims and apologizing for them and their religion. This was totally wrong! It was a flawed strategy from the start. The result of their way of dealing with Islam is that it has landed us in a fine mess. And such a fine kettle of fish it is!

The Islamic world should have been put on the defensive from the beginning. After all, it was the Islamic world that committed the atrocity. By letting them off the hook, we have emboldened them; and their demands have grown ever greater ever since. The latest one is that they want us to relinquish our free press, our free speech, and our free expression so that their prophet is protected from criticism. This is absurd!

Over the centuries, millions of people have died for the freedoms we Westerners enjoy today. We should relinquish none of them! In any case, freedom of speech and freedom of expression are indivisible. There’s no such thing as partial free speech. You either have it, or you don’t. Period!

The Islamic world is a backward one. Illiteracy rates are high. This, of course, explains their unenlightened understanding of the world, their lack of sophistication, their lack of appreciation of the finer things of life; and their ‘holding on for grim death’ to their past. But the more they hold on to their past, the less likely they are to prosper and advance.

Because we have allowed so many Muslims into the West to satisfy the needs of business and commerce, it is likely that they will drag us down with them into the abyss, into the dark, superstitious world they inhabit.

The West needs to wake up NOW. We all need to open our eyes and see what is happening around us. We need to put a stop to this very worrying trend. Whatever steps are necessary to stop the approaching wave of darkness breaking around us, we have to take. Our children will not thank us if we do not.

The difficulties we are in with Islam can be likened to a snowball rolling down a steep hillside: the further it rolls, the more snow it gathers and the bigger it gets. The bigger it grows, and the faster it rolls, the bigger will be the ultimate disaster! That 'new dark age really is dawning!

©Mark Alexander


Anonymous said...

You are so right--- and you have been from the start. It is hard for many people who have grown up in freedom to understand the mindset of those who haven't.

You've undoubtedly seen the latest salvo in the death of freedom from Sweden (my grandmother's beloved country!):

Sweden shuts website over cartoon

Mark said...


Thank you for this. I really do appreciate your feedback.

I had seen something about it; but after reading the article you have sent me, I am better informed about it.

This is a very sad day for Sweden; but it is also a very sad day for Europe, as it is, indeed, for the West in general.

The problem we are facing today is not just from narrow-minded bigotted fanatics, we are also facing the problem of cowardly politicians in the West who know no other way of dealing with Arabs and Muslims than to suck up to them.

This is all leading to no good place. World wars have been started for less! And frankly, as much as I regret to say it, I would prefer an all-out war to losing our liberty to Islamofascists!

Mark said...


Some pro-Western sites are still claiming that democracy is "working" in Iraq.

If anyone believes that, then I've got a bridge to sell them in the desert!

The whole thing is a farce from beginning to end! We should never have gone into Iraq. Period! It will end in disaster, if I am not greatly mistaken.

Fifteen out of the nineteen people who flew that plane into the Twin Towers were Saudi; and we went for Iraq! How logical is that!

Mark said...


Yes, I am aware of this problem. I don't know what I to do about it, though.

One thing I know for sure is this: It's a PC problem. It doesn't seem to happen on an AppleMac for some inexplicable reason.

I think that the problem has come about ever since I placed the cartoons of Muhammad on the webiste. Those images may have been too large, and they may, therefore, have caused the sidebar to relocate southwards! I am reluctant, however, to remove them; especially given the present climate.

What do you think? Should I? Of course, I have republished the cartoons since then; so even if I removed them,the twelve cartoons would still remain.

Thank you for your compliment; and thank you, too, for sending others to me. I appreciate that greatly.

Always On Watch said...

Ever since 9/11, President Bush and his administration, as well as Blair and his, have been trotting around the world stage making allowances for Muslims and apologizing for them and their religion....The Islamic world should have been put on the defensive from the beginning. After all, it was the Islamic world that committed the atrocity. By letting them off the hook, we have emboldened them...

Over four years--wasted--in the cause of preserving Western civilization!

I found the information about Sweden's shutting down of a web site this morning in a short and buried paragraph in the Washington Post. The information should have been front-page news!

Mark said...

Always On Watch:

You're very right, of course. Four years have already been wasted in this fight for the survival of our superior Western civilization. Four years WASTED! To say nothing of the cost of the war!

This cartoon war is gaining momentum by the hour. Take a look at these pictures I picked up on Jihad Watch this morning. They're frightful! And this situation is SERIOUS!

Always On Watch said...

I hat-tipped you for that link, which gives details.

Always On Watch said...

There it is! "Freedom of expression is Western terrorism."

Last night, I was at a party. The TV was on, and I saw the image of that placard on NBC-TV news. I couldn't be festive and had to leave the party.

In a way, the cartoon jihad should not calm down because the longer it goes, the more the truth is presented. What's happening with all this Muslim rage is not that their sensitivities are offended. Not at all! The fact is that the cartoons expose the truth about Islam. Muslims don't face that truth as they are in the embrace of evil, and they definitely don't want Dar al-Harb to see the truth. Rather, they want dhimmitude. Well, they won't get it from you or from me!

BTW, Jason posted a new blog article this morning. It's quite something and speaks to what the msm and even many of the blogs are missing on this latest from the sons of Allah.

cybercrusader said...

Mark, Thanks for the reference to the photos you picked up on Jihad Watch this morning; these pictures speak millions of words. All of your visitors should take time to look at them.

I find it amusing that our politicians are strangely quiet in the face of all of this. They owe us a clear plan by which to stop the destruction of democratic freedoms by those who would drag us back 1400 years into a totalitarian theocatic society. My worst fear is that these poor wretches are "clueless" as to what to do and can only resort to pandering and appeasement, hoping that the problem will go away before they have to stand for reelection or retire. As I have said before, decent people(who are courageous, intelligent, tough, resolute and honest)will not run for office as our media will find a way to disgrace or destroy them.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for that--I began my blog late last year to respond to a post by Fjordman. (WE MISS YOU FJORDMAN!)

It is a personal blog--a place where I can rant about the outrageous things going on in the world. It is both therapeutic and addicting!

Mark said...

Always On Watch:

I'm sorry you had to leave the party prematurely; though I understand why you had to.

In a way, the cartoon jihad should not calm down because the longer it goes, the more the truth is presented.

Yes, I agree. Doesn't it explain their ignorance and their darkness?

Muslims don't face that truth as they are in the embrace of evil, and they definitely don't want Dar al-Harb to see the truth. Rather, they want dhimmitude. Well, they won't get it from you or from me!

They certainly won't! I'd make them dhimmis first!

Mark said...


It [blogging] is both therapeutic and addicting!

Isn't it, though? I'd agree with that!

Mark said...


You have such a refined way with words! You write like a real gentleman! Congratulations!

You are always welcome on my website because with each and every word you write, you help me prove my point about how barbaric Islam really is!

Abbas said...


i'm not good at words do! english is a bit i have to pick up the right words! hahahaha

if you call me barbaric...i simply call you kaffir! you help me prove my point about how ignorant kafir is!

Mark said...


Please refrain from using racist, harrassing, libelous, abusive, threatening, or harmful speech or content. ...You are therefore requested to post in good taste and decency...

If you look at the bottom of this page, you will find this message. Please read it.

We non-believers find it very VERY OFFENSIVE to be called pigs and kuffar. Haven't you got better words in your active vocabulary? Or are you just plain ignorant?

Abbas said...
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Abbas said...


Please refrain? what about you huh!what about your content! wow naive...freedom huh!

please understand what you put in your pages is a garbage..youre just fooling yourself! or are you deft?

Did you know your writing and the pictures are VERY OFFENSIVE to the muslim all over the world!

you are the ignorant!

Mark said...


If you find the images offensive, then you don't have to come to the website to view them.

You see, Duren, your Islamic world and ours are two very different worlds. Muslims believe in restricting everything and everyone, according to the dicates of YOUR prophet. We believe in freedom, even though those freedoms can sometimes cause offence.

We all find some things offensive, but what offends us can be very different. In the West, we just avoid that which we find offensive, preferring to allow people to lead their lives as they wish. This is not an ideal system, but it is far better than the alternative, the alternative of placing people in chains.

The cartoons, though they may be offensive to Muslims, are nothing more than what is done every day in the West for religious figures, politicians, and public figures alike.

Some people draw Jesus in a bad light, too; but we believe that the message of Jesus, the religion of Christianity, is strong enough to take it.

A religion, if it is good and sound, will not be broken by a cartoon. A cartoon will come and go; but a religion, if it is good, is here to stay.

Why are you people so sensitive? Nobody is trying to hurt you. On the contrary, we are only upholding our right of freedom of expression. That's all!

Mark said...


Thanks for this post. You have just proved - definitively - what ignorant barbarians people like you really are! You have just proved my point about the immiscibility of Islam with our superior Western culture with just one comment.

Thank you again; but please understand that this weblog is for civilized, educated people to exchange ideas, ideas especially about the nature of your religion. It is especially not a suitable forum for people like you who cannot string a sentence together. You've got a serious problem there. I should seek out a school if I were you. You need to get an education.