Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Saudi Arabia can stop buying Danish produce, but...

Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries are free to remove their economic support of Denmark in this form of economic warfare. This is still a free world. They can do it. But they should just remember this: The West is also free to remove its support of Saudi Arabia!

Without the support of the West to prop up the shaky As-Saud dynasty, then it is questionable how long it will stay in power!

How would they feel if some enterprising techie started producing banners for cyberspace, urging the withdrawal of support for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?

©Mark Alexander


cybercrusader said...

I think the time has come to start "rattling the cage" of the Saudi monarchy. They have deprived and exploited the Saudi people long enough.

Conan The Librarian said...

Darn right..Saudi's are at the heart of Islamo-fascism. Putthe pressure on them!

Jason Pappas said...

I've urged such measures (i.e. withdrawing our support and declaring them an enemy) but with little success.

Most people on both sides of the political spectrum worry about the price of oil. I find that obscene given the sacrifice our men and women are making on the battle field.

Still, I understand that to rally the people to make such sacrifices they have to understand the nature of the enemy and the depths of the problem. Still we should take steps to change our relationship even if it is gradual. Our relationship with Saudi Arabia is morally repugnant. Boy, do I wish just one politician would say that!

Mark said...


Yes, they grow dates!

Mark said...


I right there with you all the way!

Your article entitled The Saudi Problem is seriously good, and should be required reading for all our Western politicians. Bravo, Jason!

Most people don’t understand economics and their fears will not subside. What is needed is moral leadership to maintain resolve in the face of uncertainties and to maintain strength of character during near term periods of want. In life one makes choices – moral choices – without knowing how to insure one’s goals or satisfy one’s desires. Maintaining moral discipline is both the honorable and prudent path in the long run. (Source Jason Pappas: The Saudi Problem)

I couldn't agree with you more! Unfortunately, it is "moral leadership" which is sadly absent in the West today. Everything revolves around greed, and it is that very greed which will be the catalyst of our downfall if people don't wake up, and wake up soon!