Saturday, February 04, 2006

Reactions to Muhammad cartoons from around the world

Gathering storm as protests hit Britain

So they have thin skins. That shouldn't stop us poking fun at them

In God's name

Botschaften in Damaskus angezuendet

Caricatures: la colère musulmane enfle

Embassies burn in cartoon protest

S. African court bans publishing Muhammad cartoons

With thanks and appreciation to Judah of Judah's Journal for bringing my attention to the following article and editorial:

The precious right of freedom of speech (The Dominion Post [Wellington])

Cartoons test of Islamic tolerance (The Dominion Post [Wellington])



Anonymous said...

Wa salami

Pictures of Londonistan today or yestarday ?

Wa salami

Mark said...


I definitely DO NOT agree with that sentence either, since there is simply no tolerance to test!

Always On Watch said...

I'm making rounds to post this...

I'm making rounds to post this...

From Ibn Warraq, who left Islam:

Best-selling author and Muslim dissident Ibn Warraq argues that freedom of expression is our western heritage and we must defend it against attacks from totalitarian societies. If the west does not stand in solidarity with the Danish, he argues, then the Islamization of Europe will have begun in earnest.

The great British philosopher John Stuart Mill wrote in On Liberty, "Strange it is, that men should admit the validity of the arguments for free discussion, but object to their being 'pushed to an extreme'; not seeing that unless the reasons are good for an extreme case, they are not good for any case."

The cartoons in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten raise the most important question of our times: freedom of expression. Are we in the west going to cave into pressure from societies with a medieval mindset, or are we going to defend our most precious freedom --freedom of expression, a freedom for which thousands of people sacrificed their lives?...

This raises another more general problem: the inability of the West to defend itself intellectually and culturally....

On the world stage, should we really apologize for Dante, Shakespeare, and Goethe? Mozart, Beethoven and Bach? Rembrandt, Vermeer, Van Gogh, Breughel, Ter Borch? Galileo, Huygens, Copernicus, Newton and
Darwin? Penicillin and computers? The Olympic Games and Football? Human rights and parliamentary democracy? The west is the source of the liberating ideas of individual liberty, political democracy, the rule of law, human rights and cultural freedom. It is the west that has raised the status of women, fought against slavery, defended freedom of enquiry, expression and conscience....

There is more to the article which I've excerpted above. Read it all!

Mark said...

Imam grouik-grouik:

You've got some great pics of Mo there!

More cartoons