Sunday, February 05, 2006

Expel Muslims NOW Who Cannot Accept the Norms of a Civilized Democracy!

Muslims, in London, have been calling for infidels who do not respect Islam to be beheaded! It is high time that this be STOPPED!

I stated in my book, The Dawning of a New Dark Age, that this would happen. We MUST put a stop to this BEFORE it is too late!

Expel ALL people NOW who cannot respect the norms of a civilized democracy! Furthermore, let all those sniveling politicians, who are so weak that they excuse this disgusting and barbaric behaviour, resign immediately!

Tony Blair’s government simply has to go! It is too pathetically weak to deal with the challenges of this age! Mr. Blair should keep well in mind that history will deal very badly with him for selling out the freedoms of the British people!

©Mark Alexander


Mark said...


Thank you for this information.

I have also had times today when my weblog was unavailable. But I noticed that others using Blogger also had problems.

The problem with the links on the right-hand side seems to have occurred sporadically since I placed the cartoons on the page. Their size, I think, causes the problem: it causes everything to go south! On the Apple computer I have had no such troubles.

But you say that the cartoons disappear; but they don't for me.

I don't know what to say, other than we shall just have to keep monitoring this.

Please keep me informed.

BTW, I do know that Heather had difficulties with my weblog yesterday. She said that it had been unavailable for much of the day!

beakerkin said...

Blogspot was down and my blog is still down. I am annoyed about the arbitrary flag system.

Abbas said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

My blog has been down for over 30 hours. I lost my last post, which I tried reposting many times.

It seems logical to me that certain people would launch cyber attacks on the blog world, (much as they have on certain other media) since that's where most of the discussion about freedom of expression is taking place.

Tonight I was reading an article from CNN and at the bottom it said:
"CNN has chosen to not show the cartoons out of respect for Islam."

Another article from a watchdog group said that CNN International is heavily funded by Arab/Muslim interests.

Might that cloud their judgement and objectiveness just a tad?

Anonymous said...

How sad is it to be so filled with hate that you cannot put together a coherent sentence.

Mark, if anything, he has proved your point and made it abudantly clear you are right in your assessment of Islam.

Mark said...


Thank you for this info. I'm sorry you've been having so many problems with your weblog.

BTW, I didn't know you that you have a weblog! Please let me know what it is called, and where I can find it.

Your assessment of the funding problem of CNN sounds about right to me; though I do not know the exact details of CNN International's source of funding.

The problem, Heather, is that the West's insatiable appetite for oil, and corruption at the top, have got us into a real fix with Islam and Muslims!

Our next major problem is this: How do we extricate ourselves from this unholy mess?

A blog on this will appear soon.

Kind regards,


Mark said...


Thanks for letting me know this.

By the way, welcome to my weblog!

Mark said...


...if anything, he has proved your point and made it abudantly clear you are right in your assessment of Islam.

It's a death cult for mindless, primitive people!


Mark said...

I shan't delete Duren's banal comments, since they show clearly what we're up against.

beakerkin said...


I forgot to mention why I never delette a single post. The reason I don't delette a single post is that it shows the difference between us and them.

We are commited to free speech and they are just commited. I even have a troll grading system.

My official troll is Ducky and ever since we started assigning points to trolls we have the silence of the Duck. The Duck visits but he is silent.

Mark said...


You certainly appear to have things under control there! :-)

I'm hoping that my experience with trolls is a one-off; though I realize it probably won't be.

Always On Watch said...

Blogger was really fouled up for over twenty-four hours. The problem was with all all Blogger sites, not just the controversial ones. Other blog servers were fine, however.

All seems to be well with Blogger--for now.

Always On Watch said...

Duren is pathetic and reveals that what you've been saying about Islam. Blog on! "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." In this case,...keep you free!

Mark said...

Yes, franze, they have. Isn't it disgusting?

Mark said...


Thanks for that link. It looks an interesting one.

Mark said...

Yes, Eyesallaround, yes indeed! This is not without precedent.