Monday, December 05, 2005

Stop Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern potentates propagating Islam in the West!

It has recently been announced that a giant mosque may be built in London to celebrate the Olympic games in 2012. It will be large enough to accommodate 40,000 worshippers! But more than this: the massive edifice will probably be able to accommodate no fewer than 70,000 people in all. In actual fact, only ten thousand fewer than the Olympic stadium itself! It will become the Muslim centre for the Muslim competitors in the Games, will include a garden, school library, and accommodation for the visiting worshippers, and will be called the London Markaz, or al markaz ul london. Naturally, such a grand mosque and Islamic centre will overshadow all Christian cathedrals in the UK by far. The largest cathedral in the UK, Liverpool's Anglican cathedral, can accommodate a mere three thousand worshippers!

If Newham council goes ahead and accepts the application for the mosque, which I have no doubt it will given the present climate of political correctness and multiculturalism, then this will surely be a huge insult to our Queen, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, who is Defender of the Faith, the Christian faith, the Anglican Church. That the authorities are even entertaining such a request shows just how far down the road to Dhimmitude we are here in the UK! Moreover, this centre will mean that, outside of Makkah, London will become the mecca of Islam in the West, with all that this will mean.

We must be crazy! In Saudi Arabia there is no church in sight! And nor will there be one, either!

Why, oh why, are we behaving with these people in such a fawning manner? Have we lost all our self-respect? Are we willing to sell out for that oil they have? Isn't there another way? In point of fact, there is, but the will has to be there to start the ball rolling. With people at the top making a killing from oil, it is doubtful that much will change in the foreseeable future.

Then we have all those so-called faith schools which Tony Blair has been encouraging around the country. That's a grave error of judgment on his part. If anything will encourage the growth of Islam in the West, such schools will, if anything will enourage the development of a parallel society in the UK, such schools will, if anything will encourage suspicion between the different faith groups, such schools will. Whyever are we allowing Muslims to build these centres of Islamic education? They will be madrasahs in all but name!

Simply because Islam fosters strong family values does not mean that they share the same values as we have. Indeed, they do not. All our leaders need to do is inform themselves of the values of the Muslim community. That their values are very much at variance with our own stands out a mile! So how can we hope to foster peace and harmony in the West in future when we are in the processing of tearing ourselves apart?

We are very busy sowing the seeds of discontent in our communities. In allowing the building of colossal mosques for the faithful and numerous Islamic schools for the young of the Ummah, we are doing nothing other than placing our own freedoms and peaceful communities on the roulette table, allowing the chips, so to speak, to fall where they may!

I'd bet you dollars to doughnuts that by far the majority of the electorate are horrified by what's going on in Britain today apropos of the funding of Islamic propagation in the country. Much of this money is coming from Saudi Arabia - a country which, as we all know, is home to a particularly pernicious brand of Islam known as Wahhabism. We should not be surprised, therefore, if we will end up with a society as narrow as the society of the desert Kingdom. What else can we expect to happen?

On top of the problem of Saudi oil, we, in the UK, will soon have the problem of the growing influence of Kuwait, too; since by the year 2007, 20% of our natural gas supplies will be coming from that country. We are dig, dig, digging our own hole! And it won't be very comfortable for us when that hole is completed. We shall find that our freedoms have vanished, and all that we have come to hold so dear.

Of this I am sure: The vast majority of the people of the United Kingdom do not wish to Islamize the country. Furthermore, I believe it is true to say the same for Europeans, Americans, Australians and New Zealanders. They don't wish to see their countries Islamized, either. But what are our leaders doing to stop this process? On the one hand they talk readily of fostering democracy in the Middle East, but at the same time, they pay little heed of democracy at home. In fact, they are busy losing it for us! They speak with forked tongue!

It should be obvious to all that our current policies are not working. If we continue to implement current policies, then the day when the Saudis and the other Middle Eastern potentates will become our lords and masters will continue to approach very quickly. Then we shall all become abd's: abdul Saudi, abdul Kuwait, abdul this, and abdul that! We are fools to ourselves! Have we really gone to the trouble and expense, in human loss as well as financial, to defeat communism and Nazism only to be defeated by a political ideology with a religious dimension emanating from the desert? Is civilization as we know it heading for the abyss? Is western civilization to be no more? Is our wonderful civilization ready for the dustbin of history? Is it set to become effete?

Remember this: At very least, we should work on the basis of reciprocity. Mention the words 'reciprocal arrangements' for the building of mosques and schools to the Saudis, and we shall soon see how quickly they'll back off!

Ladies and gentlemen, wake up and smell the rat before it is too late!

©Mark Alexander


Always On Watch said...

Over at
2005/12/tablighi-jamaat-part-1.html, you'll find some interesting information about Tablighi Jamaat. You might want to have a look.

Always On Watch said...

Back again before I dash off to teach, provided the forecast snow doesn't start falling...

Whyever are we allowing Muslims to build these centres of Islamic education? They will be madrasahs in all but name!

I've been crying out on this for years! We have several such schools in the Washington, D.C., area. As you've noted at my blog, one of the more prominent ones, thanks in part to the recent conviction of Ahmed Abu Ali, is the Islamic Saudi Academy, owned and operated by the government of Saudi Arabia and complete with the hate-filled curriculum which promotes Wahhabism, the most radical form of Islam (as far as I can tell--correct me if I'm wrong).

The vast majority of the people of the United Kingdom do not wish to Islamize the country. Furthermore, I believe it is true to say the same for Europeans, Americans, Australians and New Zealanders. They don't wish to see their countries Islamized, either. But what are our leaders doing to stop this process?

I speak for America here. Those of us who love Western ideals are horrified. But the politically correct, multicultural media, universities, etc., are pulling the wool over the eyes of the gullible.

We're watching Western civilization disappear before our very eyes. And our leaders continue to sidle up to the enemy.

John Sobieski said...

It is amazing that we demand no reciprocity. If only we had leaders who would stand up and say, 'No mosques in the west until there are no barriers to other religions in Muslim countries.' Why should we suffer from political correctness and 'tolerance' when the Muslim countries are completely intolerant to apostates and nonbelievers within their countries?

John Sobieski

Mark said...


You are quite right: there's no reaction. Are people afraid to react, I wonder? Very strange, isn't it? They have been cowered by political correctness, it seems!

Mark said...

Il duce:

You're so right! But if we are not ready to 'fight' for our ideals, then we're sunk as a civilization.

Look what Mrs Thatcher achieved in her fight - with Ronnie, of course - against the evil empire of communism. Who gives communism credence anymore?

Mark said...

Mussolini: How can I follow THAT?

Mark said...

Mussolini, please! Your sense of humour knows no bounds!

Mark said...


I can see the rationale behind the thinking, but such drastic action would set the world alight! Big time!