Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Messieurs: Napoleon is not your name!

What a package of measures to deal with the gravest situation France is facing since the Nazis moved in! If this is an example of how they acted during WWII, no wonder they just gave in and allowed the Nazis to occupy them! This is cowardice if ever I saw it! Napoleon must be turning in his grave! Come off it! Do you really think that curfews and searches and short prison sentences are going to solve this unholy mess?

And what about you, Monsieur de Villepin? Millions of euros are now to be spent to mollify the insurgents. So when they want even more welfare hand-outs, all they will have to do is riot some more and hold you to ransom!

The measures being taken in France are far too little, and far too late; moreover, they show that the French government has not understood what is really happening in their country. Either that, or they are afraid to deal with the real issue. The real issue is this: the Jihad has come to France! These people are not rioting just because they live in poor ghettos, though, indubitably, this inflames the situation. There is absolutely no doubt about that. But Muslims are going to continue to live in ghettos regardles of how much money they receive. The reason: They refuse to integrate. Non-integrated people are ghettoized by definition, even if the ghettos are rich.

The root cause of this conflict is Islam rising like Pheonix out of the ashes! Islam is on the move throughout the world, determined to dominate, determined to enslave us all! A serious attack was foiled a couple of days ago as far away as Australia. No place is immune from the Jihad these days. Where will it be next? The jihadis are on a roll, and they know it! And who is to say that Al-Qaeda's hand isn't in this somewhere!

So you there in France: You might buy a little time this way, but even that is doubtful. Last night saw the thirteenth night of violence despite the measures taken! There is no end in sight. Be sure of that.

Surely, to deal with a problem, you have to deal with the root causes of that problem. The root causes of this problem is the determination of Islam to take over your country! And take over your country Muslims will if you continue to ignore the problem.

Furthermore, this conflagration in France is proof, if proof were needed, of the failure of the multicultural experiment! There is only room for one culture in France, and that's French culture. Immigrants coming to France - like all other Western countries - should be made to assimilate and adopt the values of the host nation. It is incumbent upon the leaders to ensure that the norms of French life are adhered to; and it is incumbent upon the immigrants to adhere to those norms. If immigrants wish not to live in a similar manner as the hosts, then I would suggest that it would be far better for them to leave!

There is room in one country for but one culture! Cultures always compete; that is the nature of them. They vie for pole position. This is especially true for Islam, since it is the duty of all Muslims, extremists and moderates alike, to ensure that Islam rules the world. So, as Islam grows here in the West, it will vie more and more for pole position. This is inevitable, and no politician and no law - however well-intentioned - will stop this from happening.

One cannot help but wonder whether our beloved democracy is strong enough to deal with the onslaught of Islam! Emergency measures might need to be put in place for us all, and maybe we, as citizens, will have to be prepared to relinquish, temporarily, some of our freedoms for the sake of the survival of our civilization. In France today, some freedoms have had to be relinquished for the time being. But the measures taken are woefully weak. Most surely, for the sake of the safety of innocent people, the military will have to be brought in at some point in the near future. Things cannot be left to spiral out of control like this. It is unfair to the innocent.

Protect your citizens at all costs, Monsieur Chirac, and protect your culture, too. French culture is high culture; the French have given the civilized world a great deal, though we are sometimes reluctant to admit it. Don't let your culture go down the tubes for the lack of the Napoleonic spirit! Europe would be all the poorer for it.

©Mark Alexander


Always On Watch said...

it is the duty of all Muslims, extremists and moderates alike, to ensure that Islam rules the world.
The same goal for all. Methods to achieve that goal may differ, but the goal remains the same.

Mark said...

Exactly, Always On Watch! Exactly! Our leaders' obsession with trying to separate the goals of the extremists from the moderates is a dangerous one. The moderates may well want to do it more slowly and in a less bloody way; but they want to achieve the same goal nevertheless.