Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Pope Benedict XVI: Saviour of Western Civilization?

How blessed the West is to have such a wonderful pope! At the very time the West is in crisis, at a time when many Westerners have lost their faith, at a time when consumerism seems to have surpassed all, at a time when Mammon is many people’s god, at a time when morals are in freefall, here comes the pope we need!

Pope John Paul II was certainly the pope for the time of the fall of communism. After all, he had been raised in communist Poland, so he knew the system inside out. Now, however, communism is not the main threat. Islam is. Pope Benedict XVI is extremely well-versed on Islam. On this subject, he is a man of profound knowledge. He is very well-placed to lead us!

The West needs this pope so badly. In his recent address at Regensburg University, he has shown that he is a man of great courage and strength. Pope Benedict XVI is forthright and steadfast. He doesn’t back down.

Many might have thought that in stating that he regretted the pain caused to Muslims around the world that his resolve had weakened. But make no mistake about it, he didn’t retract his statement. He didn’t back down. He maintained his dignity; and I am sure he will throughout the crisis.

What he stated is absolutely true. Wherever one finds Islam, one finds either violence, or a readiness to take up arms. This is an indisputable fact. Who can argue with it? Who can argue with the fact that Islam fosters extremists? How many examples of acts of extremism do we need before people will be convinced? Surely, thinking about Allah and his prophet night and day is rather inclined to make one fanatical. Surely thinking about all their acts and deeds in terms of acts and deeds for their god is also bound to make Muslims inclined to the fanatical. It is good that in Christianity we are able to separate the mundane from the divine. That’s healthy.

Although the Pope stated the truth, his words hurt Muslims. Is this surprising? Muslims are very easily hurt. They have fragile egos. They don’t take criticism; and they can’t stand hearing the truth about their own religion. They are certainly not given to introspection; and if they are, they are certainly not given to finding and identifying their own faults. The world would be a much better place if they accepted a little criticism now and then. They need to ask themselves what they are doing wrong. They need to ask themselves why they are so disliked around the world, they need to ask themselves why people fear them.

The connection between violence and Islam is something this pope recognizes. He also stated something which should really have been obvious to all; namely, that God abhors violence. How could a sane person be moved to worship Him if He didn’t?

This Pope is disturbed by this link. He is also disturbed that Europe is moving away from its Christian past. He criticizes what he sees is wrong in the West, as well he should. He wishes to turn Westerners back to their Christian heritage. He wants them to become less materialistic, and turn to the spiritual, for he recognizes that there is a spiritual vacuum here in the West, especially in Europe. He wants to pull Europe back from the brink.

There has been vacuous talk emanating from the Middle East that the Pope is starting a crusade. In the sense that they mean, this is nonsense. Utter nonsense!

If he is starting a crusade at all, the crusade is directed at Europe itself. He wants to re-Christianize Europe, for he sees that this is what needs to be done. Middle Easterners need not fear that he is going to call on armies of crusaders to march on the Middle East in the manner of the former Crusades.

There is something else which he holds dear: reciprocity. I wrote of this in my book, The Dawning of a New Dark Age. Further, Pope Benedict wants there to be no compulsion in religion, as indeed the prophet of Islam spoke of in his early, some say middle, period. The Pope wants reciprocity and mutual respect. After all, true respect can only be mutual. Respect that is not mutual is not respect at all; rather is it fear.

Pope Benedict XVI dearly wants Christians in Muslim countries to be able to worship free of harassment, and in safety. He sees that in the West we allow mosques to be built, whereas few Muslim countries allow churches to be built. He sees how unfair this is. He also wants the Middle East to open up so that missionaries are free to convert people to Christianity, as Muslims are free to convert people to Islam in the West.

This wonderful pope understands the issues. He perceives this imbalance, and he is courageous enough to talk about it. He is trying to correct an imbalance our weak and ineffectual politicians should have been trying to correct long ago, but because of oil and armaments deals were too timid to do.

The Pope displays true leadership qualities: strength, courage, strength of purpose, determination, resolve, understanding, intelligence, and he has a great sense of morality. What more could we ask of a leader, especially at this time?

Many will say he cannot lead me because I am not a Roman Catholic. Nonsense! He can lead all Christians, because he can inspire them. The wise amongst us will take his lead seriously, for even if one is an agnostic or atheist, he is still a blessing. Don’t forget that it’s the tolerance which has been fostered in the West that has allowed people to choose their faith, or none. This tolerance stems from the love inherent in Christianity. If Islam grows too strong in the West, there will be a sea-change in levels of tolerance. People will then not be allowed to choose their faith: The state will decide the matter for them! The choice will be Islam, the jizyah, or tax on the infidel, or death. It will be as simple as that.

I find Pope Benedict XVI a great draw. His intelligence and erudition, for a start, are a great attraction. But more than that, he is a man of great stature. Great stature indeed! But even more than that, he has great charisma. Moreover, he is a handsome man, an elegant man, a warm man (just look at those caring eyes and that warm expression), and something rare to find these days in any man, he is an æsthete. What more could we wish for in a pope?

This pope is head and shoulders above all our other leaders. The Bushes, the Blairs, and the Chiracs of this world simply do not compare. They don’t come up to Pope Benedict’s ankles!

Although I am not a Roman Catholic, I feel it is now time for us to unite behind this marvelous pope. We need to rise to the challenge he has set us. For if there is one man that really can save Western civilization at a time when Christianity and Judaism are under attack, this pope can. May God bless the Pope!

©Mark Alexander

All rights reserved


cybercrusader said...

This tribute to Pope Benedict XVI is very impressive and certainly well-deserved. I don't know what I can add, except to say: SPOT ON, MARK! BRILLIANT AS USUAL!

Anonymous said...

I pray that the Pope remains safe and I applaud his courage in exposing the truth about Islam. We need this exposer in the West NOW..before it is too late!

Thanks Tim+

Mark said...


Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad you liked the post.

cybercrusader said...

If, God forbid, the Pope is harmed while in the Middle East, I hope that the free world will stand up and destroy the savages.

Mark said...


I, too, pray that the Pope remains safe. I, too, applaud his courage in expressing the truth about islam. The hour is late; but not too late!

Mark said...

Sorry, Tim, I addressed you as 'Anonymous', whereas I should have addressed you by name. Please forgive me.

Rest assured that we pray with you for this blessed pope.

cybercrusader said...

We all need to rally around the Pope, lest he be done in by the MSM and the Muslims. He is the one of the few sane voices supporting the free and civilized world.

Mark said...

Indeed, USIP, we really do need to rally around this pope. Isn't he the ONLY sane voice around?

Mark said...


If, God forbid, the Pope is harmed while in the Middle East, I hope that the free world will stand up and destroy the savages.

If such a thing were to happen, I know what I would do to them!

Anonymous said...

Mark, in the Garden of Gethsemane one of the companions of Jesus pulled out his sword and swiped off the ear of the High Priest's servant. Jesus, we are told, restored it and said "Put your sword back in its place for all who draw the sword will die by the sword." I somehow think Pope Benedict would endorse this sentiment as you say in your own words "He [the Pope] also stated something which should really have been obvious to all; namely, that God abhors violence."

You and many others (including me) would have such a strong impulse for retaliation should anyone harm this Pope. That is so understandable. But a response towards Islam needs to be well planned and carried out, not just an impulsive reaction.
Unfortunately, there is still much work to be done in organizing an effective response to stop the march of Islam and turn it back upon itself. Our so-called leaders have the need for much more work to be done on them yet, and that is where - as you say - this good pope can inspire all of us regardless of our faith and/or denomination.

I agree with all you have written about this Godly man. I hope many will be inspired by him, and find the courage to stand up against the outrage of Islam and not appease them at the expense of truth.

BTW, I am not a pacifist. If this was an ideal world then yes, but this side of heaven I am afraid it is not.

Average Family Guy said...

A book by Bruce Bawer, "While Europe Slept", is a more in-depth look at the mindset that we are contending with. Instead of the west responding with one voice to the Islamofascists, we are neutered by the Kumbaya chorus out of the EU and the UN. How do these institutions affect US citizens. The Liberal Elite thirst for approval from the members of these two organizations.

I am utterly amazed at the lack of understanding the Lefties have of the Islamists. They seem to be willfully blind. Wakie, Wakie! The Islamofascists are using you and your moral equivalence doctrine to further entrench themselves in western culture. If you keep expecting the Islamists to stop their hate and voice their love and admiration for liberal democracy and personal liberty, you are deceiving yourselves. OPEN YOUR EYES!

This is not hysteria. This is reality. They see us as the demons. Not just conservatives. EVERY non-islamist is a demon. It is not a religion of peace. It never, EVER, has been. Read your history. Read about the Jews and Christians and their treatment in these societies both today and over the centuries.

Look up the terms: dhimmi, jizyah, and taqiyya. Learn. The average Muslim on the streets of Europe believes that the Quran is supreme over the laws of Europe. Research what honor killings are. Research the practice of vaginal mutilation. These people are absolutely devout (insane).

To claim moral equivalence between Christians and Muslims is absurd. Do you see Christians en masse screaming for blood? Christians demanding death? The truthful answer is no. Madonna is going to desecrate the cruxifiction of Christ in an upcoming event. Christians around the world will be disgusted. But, Christians around the world will not declare a Fatwah on Madonna. It won't happen. Ever!

Bubba's Pravda

Anonymous said...

i also pray for the Pope's safety [i am not Catholic but an evangelical Protestant] the Pope stance about the dangers of islam and his stance on abortion makes me admire him very much.

several days ago somewhere in this blog i wrote about how the turkish government is suing in American courts in Massachusetts to prevent teaching the Armenian massacre as a fact.

since the information available several days ago is that the trial was to start yesterday september 18 2006. i was invited to write updates of what i found out. so far i have not found the right search terms to find this information on the internet. in addition as i said in the first posting that it is a great possiblity that the boston globe [who endorsed john kerry in 2004] would not report on the case. so i was correct. as a matter of fact no boston newspaper reported on this.
the possibility does exist that there was postponement to give time for legal manuvering. but i don't know this for sure.

scary sexy chocolate thing
[about the password, it could be a new one i started using and don't remember it, and i possibly can't remember the exact name of my blog since i rarely used it]

Anonymous said...

also for your information

the internet information that helped me keep track of the turkish government lawsuit to prevent teaching about the Armenian massacre is found in

search engine = google [not advanced]
search term = turkish government lawsuit in america to prevent teaching about armenian massacre.

there is 31600 results in english

[at least one result was about the papers filed to have the court to 'ignore' the lawsuit]

scary sexy chocolate thing

Anonymous said...

What about Sura 9, the most recent "revelation" of Allah? Just once--ONCE!--I'd like one of the talking heads interviewing a Muslim spokesman to toss some of Sura 9 back at the taqiyya-speaker.

Always, I did that just today with a Muslim who turned up on a forum and ojected to what I had written about al-Nasikh wa al-Mansoukh, the principle of abrogation. He had been quoting the gentler verses of Surah 2 and denied that the verse of the Sword had abrogated them. He treated me to a lengthy discourse of the intricacies of Islamic doctrine, all of which I believe was mind-numbing taqiyya designed to confuse everyone but Muhammad himself.

So while I push the abrogator Surah 9:5, Muslims immediately flick into denial followed by the outpouring of nonsensical dogma. What is one to do? It is like beating one's head against a brick wall. Today I wore a large flat on my forehead!

Anonymous said...

also to inform anyone who doesn't know this:

it is in surah 47 vers 4 in the koran that tells the muslims to behead. the verse quoted says 'smite them in the neck', and the webster dictionary defines smite to mean to deliver or strike with deadly force.

scary sexy chocolate thing

Mark said...


I quite understand what you are saying. I actually feel the same way as you do. But the people who lead us these days are not as courageous as leaders once were.

It has just emerged that the Pope has apologized yet again for causing offence, and has even stated that he has deep respect for Islam! Now THAT surprises me, and disappoints me at one and the same time.

As you say, facts are facts.

Mark said...


I agree with all you have written about this Godly man. I hope many will be inspired by him, and find the courage to stand up against the outrage of Islam and not appease them at the expense of truth.

The problem is that he seems to have backed down from his tough stand.

How on earth can the Pope have "deep respect" for Islam?

Regarding retaliation, I should say that I doubt that the West would have the stomach to retaliate in a very tough manner. Everyone these days seems to have gone all 'touchy, feely'. That means to say SOFT!

Mark said...


If the multiculturalists and the politically correct would stop the appeasement, perhaps some Muslims could come to terms with the fact that Islam in its present form is incompatible with modern times.

Good point!

On almost every TV channel here in the States, Muslim pr is in now in full swing, with taqiyya everywhere: "The Koran doesn't teach violence."

Now that's very disappointing to hear. I expect Americans to take a more robust stand than the Europeans. But from what you're saying, the Americans are just as bad as we are over here.

America, like Britian, will be Islamized one day. Then it will be too late. Historians in years to come will mark the day after 9/11 as the turning point, when the then president sat with the Qur'an in front of him in his address to the world.

Sheer weakness!

Mark said...

Scary Sexy Chocolate Thing:

Thanks for that depressing info.

Mark said...


I think Muslims are born 'in denial'!