Sunday, September 27, 2020

The Choice 2020: Mary Trump (Interview) | FRONTLINE

Mary Trump is the niece of Donald Trump and the author of Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man.

The following interview was conducted by FRONTLINE’s Gabrielle Schonder on July 30, 2020 during our reporting for the “The Choice 2020: Trump vs. Biden” — FRONTLINE’s critically acclaimed election series featuring the interwoven, investigative biographies of both presidential candidates. It has been edited for clarity and length.

Iron Iran? Ft. Javad Zarif, Iranian Foreign Minister

There’s an old Persian saying that “when there’s fire, dry and wet burn together”. It could be an apt description of the COVID-19 pandemic, which affected every country on the planet but Iran and the United States - more than others. Can this new invisible adversary, which upended so many things in our lives, shake up their sworn and tired enmity? To discuss this, Oksana is joined by Iran’s Foreign Minister, Javad Zarif.

Im Eiltempo zum Supreme Court

SÜDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG: Nur eine Woche nach dem Tod der liberalen Richter-Ikone Ruth Bader Ginsburg nominiert Donald Trump die konservative Abtreibungsgegnerin Amy Coney Barrett für das höchste US-Gericht. Statt Konsens sucht Trump Streit.

Es soll jetzt vor allem schnell gehen. US-Präsident Donald Trump steht am Samstag hinter seinem Pult im Rosengarten des Weißen Hauses, um Amy Coney Barrett für den vakanten Platz im obersten Gericht der USA zu nominieren. Nur eine Woche nach dem Tod der liberalen Richter-Ikone Ruth Bader Ginsburg, noch bevor sie in dieser Woche beerdigt werden wird.

Und noch vor der Präsidentschaftswahl am 3. November wird voraussichtlich der US-Senat mit seiner republikanischen Mehrheit Barretts Nominierung zustimmen. Keine 40 Tage sind es bis dahin. Im Schnitt haben Nominierungsverfahren bisher 67 Tage gedauert. Am 12. Oktober sollen die Anhörungen beginnen.

Nennenswerte Opposition aus den eigenen Reihen ist nicht zu erwarten. Zumindest keine, die die Mehrheit im Senat gefährden könnte. Trump sagte am Samstag, "dies sollte eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Bestätigung werden". Mit nichts anderem ist zu rechnen. » | Von Thorsten Denkler, New York | Sonntag, 27. September 2020

How Trump Laid Groundwork for Election Result Mayhem

CNN's Ana Cabrera looks back at the ways President Donald Trump has laid the groundwork for election rigging claims since 2016.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

'She Lies about Lying': Brianna Keilar Fires Back at McEnany

The White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany baselessly linked CNN reporter Brianna Keilar's comments about the Kentucky Attorney General to the shooting of two Louisville police officers after the killing of Breonna Taylor. Hear her response.

Don Winslow Films: #StopTheMadnessStopTrump

Friday, September 25, 2020

The Role of Women in Islam | DW Documentary

Is there room for feminism in the Muslim world? The role of women in Islam is a frequent subject of controversy. Few other religions are so tainted with bias. But does Islam have any justification for its discrimination against women?

In this film, director Nadja Frenz introduces Muslim women who have set out to find their own path to emancipation. Together they investigate the role of women in Islam and study the Surah, the chapters of the Quran. Can the western concepts of gender equality be transferred directly to the Islamic world? Is wearing a headscarf a clear gesture of submission? Does the Quran really permit men to control women and beat them? Is the image of modern woman anti-Islamic? Must a woman choose between being a faithful Muslim or an independent feminist?

This documentary also consults women who are Islamic scholars. They say it is not Islam or the Quran that vilifies women, but rather certain interpretations of it and patriarchal traditions. They are campaigning for a more gender-neutral interpretation of the Quran and are trying to bring religion and feminism together. In contrast, women's rights advocates such as Zineb El Rhazoui, a former employee of the French satirical magazine "Charlie Hebdo", refuse to reconcile themselves with their religious roots, saying that Islam cannot be reformed.

America’s Pandemic Election: What Could Go Wrong? | The Economist

America’s 2020 presidential election will be a contest like no other. From the effects of mass mail-in voting to the threat of disinformation and delayed results—how ugly could it get?

Sir Jim Ratcliffe, UK's Richest Person, Moves to Tax-free Monaco

THE GUARDIAN: Brexiter Ineos boss, who has an estimated £17.5bn fortune, officially changes tax domicile

Sir Jim Ratcliffe, the UK’s richest person and high-profile Brexiter, has quit Britain for tax-free Monaco.

Ratcliffe, a petrochemicals magnate with an estimated £17.5bn fortune, has this week officially changed his tax domicile from Hampshire to Monaco, the sovereign city-state that is already home to many of the UK’s richest people.

It has been estimated that the move will save him £4bn in tax payments. People who live in Monaco for at least 183 days a year do not pay any income or property taxes. The highest tax rate in the UK is 45% on income above £150,000-a-year.

Before he left for Monaco, Ratcliffe was the UK’s third-highest individual taxpayer, paying £110m to the exchequer in 2017-18, according to the Sunday Times tax list.

His decision to quit Britain came soon after he was knighted by the Queen for “services to business and investment”, and the UK voted to leave the European Union. » | Rupert Neate, Wealth correspondent | Friday, September 25, 2020

The Choice 2020: John Bolton (Interview) | FRONTLINE

John Bolton served as national security adviser to Donald Trump from 2018 to 2019. He was previously the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and is the author of The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir.

The following interview was conducted by FRONTLINE’s Gabrielle Schonder on July 31, 2020 during our reporting for the “The Choice 2020: Trump vs. Biden” — FRONTLINE’s critically acclaimed election series featuring the interwoven, investigative biographies of both presidential candidates. It has been edited for clarity and length.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Prof. Christian Troll: Als Christ dem Islam begegnen

Knapp sechshundert Jahre nach Entstehung des Christentums tauchte der Islam auf, mit dem Anspruch, das Christentum zu korrigieren und zu ersetzen. Muslime sind überzeugt, durch den Propheten Mohammed zur letztgültigen und einzig wahren Religion geführt worden zu sein. Sie glauben, von Gott den Auftrag erhalten zu haben, eine weltweite islamische Ordnung zu errichten, in der die von Gott offenbarten Gesetze gelten. Wie sollten Christen auf den Absolutheitsanspruch des Islam und seinen religiös-politischen Anspruch reagieren? Sind Konkurrenz und Konflikte zwischen diesen beiden Weltreligionen unvermeidlich? Oder kann es auch Wege einer Zusammenarbeit im Dienst einer gerechten Gesellschaft und friedlichen Koexistenz geben? Antworten gibt Prof. Dr. Christian Troll, einer der renommiertesten Islamwissenschaftler der katholischen Kirche, der seit Jahrzehnten im christlich-islamischen Dialog engagiert ist.

Warum hat sich der deutsche Anwalt für den Islam entschieden?

Cooper: Are Elderly People Now Disposable? Look in Mirror, Trump

CNN's Anderson Cooper shows all the times President Donald Trump has contradicted himself on who is affected by the coronavirus and how serious the pandemic is.

Trump keeps on lying, keeps on conning the people, keeps on screwing America, keeps on dividing America, and much more besides. Who said God is omnipotent? – Mark

Don Winslow Films - #TrumpsSheep

Sadly, for almost 1/3 of America this is a daily ritual.

Cindy McCain Rebukes Trump and Publicly Endorses Joe Biden for President

THE GUARDIAN: McCain was motivated in part by Trump’s recent comments on the military, where he called war heroes ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’

Cindy McCain has endorsed Joe Biden for president, a stunning rebuke of Donald Trump by the widow of the Republican party’s 2008 nominee.

Cindy McCain tweeted on Tuesday: “My husband John lived by a code: country first. We are Republicans, yes, but Americans foremost. There’s only one candidate in this race who stands up for our values as a nation, and that is Joe Biden.” » | Guardian staff and agencies | Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Boris Johnson's Address to the Nation on Coronavirus Restrictions | LBC

Experience the Golden Eagle Trans-Siberian Express

This “Cruising on Rail” episode is produced by Cruising on Rail media productions, aired by Amazon Prime and documents the classic Golden Eagle Trans-Siberian Express journey by private train.

The 15-day all-inclusive journey between Moscow and Vladivostok, is the only way to complete the world's longest single service railway journey in luxury, comfort and style.

Monday, September 21, 2020

American Empire Collapse: It's about to Get Much Worse. Chris Hedges Joins [for a Discussion]

"RBG": Film Director Reflects on Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Lifelong Fight for Gender Equity

In her later years, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was internationally known simply as her initials — RBG — and a 2018 documentary film by the same name about Ginsburg's legal career, personal history and unexpected celebrity became a surprise smash hit. We speak with Julie Cohen, co-director of the Academy Award-nominated documentary "RBG," about Ginsburg's early years and leadership in fighting for equal rights for women, including arguing a case before the Supreme Court with nine male justices who were condescending to her. "She never let that condescension get her down," notes Cohen. "She was a deeply strategic person."

Theresa May Says 'Reckless' Brexit Bill Risks UK's Reputation

THE GUARDIAN: Ex-PM says internal market bill could lead to a united Ireland and undermine trust in UK

Theresa May has launched a blistering attack on the government’s plan to give itself powers to renege on the special arrangements for Northern Ireland in the Brexit deal.

She described the plans as “reckless” and “irresponsible” and said they “risked the integrity of the United Kingdom”, as they would not only tarnish Britain’s reputation globally as an upholder of the law but could contribute to a reunited Ireland.

In a strongly worded speech in the House of Commons, she said: “I cannot emphasise enough how concerned I am [that] the Conservative government is willing to go back on its word to break an international agreement signed in good faith, and to break international law.” » | Lisa O’Carroll, Brexit correspondent | Monday, September 21, 2020

BoJo simply has to go! He is dishonorable and no leader. He thinks he’s the re-incarnation of Churchill, but he is nothing of the sort. He and his sidekick, Cummings, need to be sent packing! – Mark