Thursday, September 17, 2020

1917 - Die russische Revolution (Arte - 2014)

Bei der Oktoberrevolution 1917 kam es in Russland zum Ausbruch einer riesigen Menge angestauten Unmutes, latenter Krisen und schwelender Konflikte. Das Ereignis hinterließ tiefe Spuren, die noch heute in vielen Bereichen des gesellschaftlichen Lebens sichtbar sind, unter anderem in den Bereichen Politik, Kunst, Musik, Architektur und Wissenschaft, aber auch im Militärwesen und in den Geheimdiensten. Der Dokumentarfilm legt Material vor, das zu einem neuen Verständnis der Revolution beiträgt und geht der Frage nach, wie der Mensch an sich reagiert, wenn er mit einer Krisensituation und tiefgreifenden Umbrüchen konfrontiert ist. | Dokumentarfilm Frankreich 2007 | arte Regie: Paul Jenkins

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Putin's Russia and the Ghost of the Romanovs | The Economist

Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and his family, the Romanovs, were murdered 100 years ago today by Marxist revolutionaries. What does this anniversary mean for Vladmir Putin?

’Scientific American’ Makes Presidential Endorsement for the Very First Time

Scientific American has endorsed a candidate for president for the first time in the publication's 175-year history. CNN's John King speaks to the magazine's editor-in-chief, Laura Helmuth.

SE Cupp: Trump's Rallies Absolutely Asinine Right Now

In this week's edition of "Unfiltered from Home," host SE Cupp breaks down Jared Kushner's defense of President Trump's packed rallies with no masks or social distancing during the coronavirus pandemic.

Poland's 'LGBT-free Zones' Have No Place in the EU, Says Ursula von der Leyen

In her first ‘state of union’ speech, the European commission president said Poland’s LGBT-free zones were 'humanity-free zones' that had no place in the EU in her strongest criticism yet of Poland’s ruling Law and Justice party.

It comes amid a dispute between the EU and Poland over the rule of law, since the country embarked on policies that weaken independent courts.

Von der Leyen said the EU was 'a union where you can be who you are and love who you want to without fear and recrimination'

Russia's Lost Princesses – Documentary

Part 1 : The Gilded Cage; 2: The World Turned Upside Down

The English Home Counties in 1938

Here I present a series of photographs of The British Home Counties, taken in 1938 by an American photographer. These photographs give a wonderful impression of England before the War. Many of the villages have little changed over the years. | Music: Vaughan Williams: The Lark Ascending

BBC: We Visited a Bruderhof Commune. This Is What We Saw

Is Bruderhof a Christian Utopia or a Capitalist Commune? What are your first impressions? This secret group has not allowed cameras in for over a century. Founded in the early 1900's by a prominent German theologian, the group gained a massive following shortly after World War 2. Since then, most of its followers are second and third generations of the original members. These members commit to the group for life, denouncing all personal assets and agree to work for free in return for food and shelter. The Bruderhof group is still lead by decedents of the same, german family based in Rifton, New York.

Rechtsextreme in der Polizei: „Ich kann nicht mehr von Einzelfällen sprechen“

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Sie sollen in einem Chat unter anderem Fotos von Hitler ausgetauscht haben: Die Polizei in NRW ermittelt gegen 29 eigene Beamte wegen rechtsextremistischer Propaganda. Innenminister Herbert Reul revidiert seine bisherige Auffassung.

Die nordrhein-westfälische Polizei hat gegen 29 eigene Beamte wegen der Verbreitung und des Empfangs rechtsextremistischer Propaganda ermittelt. Alle 29 Polizisten seien sofort vom Dienst suspendiert worden, sagte Innenminister Herbert Reul(CDU) am Mittwoch während einer kurzfristig angesetzten Pressekonferenz. Gegen alle Beamten wurden Disziplinarverfahren vom Landesamt für Fortbildung der Polizei in NRW (LAFP) eingeleitet. In 14 Fällen zielt das Verfahren auf eine dauerhafte Entfernung vom Dienst. Die anderen 15 Beamten sollen Bilddateien mit rechtsextremistischem Inhalt nicht selbst versandt, sondern ausschließlich empfangen, ihre Dienstvorgesetzten darüber aber nicht in Kenntnis gesetzt haben. Reul sprach von einer Schande für die Polizei.

US-UK Trade Deal in Danger If Good Friday Agreement Jeopardised, Democrats Warn

THE GUARDIAN: Dominic Raab faces backlash over Irish border and attempts to leave EU on own terms

The UK foreign secretary, Dominic Raab, is facing a growing backlash in the US Congress after senior Democrats warned they would scupper any future US-UK trade deal if the UK does anything to jeopardise the Good Friday agreement in an attempt to leave the European Union on its own terms.

Raab flew to Washington to try to repair relations with pro-Irish Democrats, including the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, and the chairman of the House ways and means committee, Richard Neal. The tide of opinion in Congress is moving fast against the UK after a lobbying campaign by the Irish embassy.

The ad hoc committee a major pro-Irish lobby group to defend the Good Friday agreement, vowed to build “a green wall” to defend the agreement citing a compelling statement from former British prime ministers John Major and Tony Blair. » | Patrick Wintour, Diplomatic editor | Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Cooper: Trump's Actions Contradict What He Says in Private about Covid-19

CNN's Anderson Cooper examines how President Trump's comments behind closed doors about the risks associated with coronavirus contradict his public statements pushing for the country to reopen.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Trump NO Nos Quiere : Trump Does Not Love Us

Trump no solo le falta al respeto a la comunidad hispana. Los detesta. | Trump doesn’t just disrespect the Hispanic community. He detests them.

Donald Trump vergleicht sich in Corona-Krise mit Winston Churchill

ZEIT ONLINE: Der US-Präsident will sein Herunterspielen der Corona-Gefahr als gutes Krisenmanagement verkaufen. Sein Herausforderer wirft Trump vor, die Bevölkerung belogen zu haben.

US-Präsident Donald Trump hat eine Parallele zwischen seinem Herunterspielen der Corona-Pandemie und dem Verhalten des britischen Premierministers Winston Churchill im Zweiten Weltkrieg gezogen. "Als Hitler London bombardierte, ging Churchill, ein großer Anführer, oft auf ein Dach in London und sprach", sagte Trump bei einer Wahlkampfveranstaltung in Freeland im US-Bundesstaat Michigan. "Und er sprach immer mit Gelassenheit. Er sagte, wir müssen Gelassenheit zeigen. Nein, wir haben es richtig gemacht, und wir haben eine Arbeit geleistet wie niemand sonst." » | Quelle: ZEIT ONLINE, dpa, sk | Freitag, 11. September 2020

Amerikas Ansehen stürzt ab

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Die Reputation der Vereinigten Staaten ist in vielen befreundeten Staaten auf einen Tiefpunkt abgesackt. Dort vertrauen mittlerweile sogar mehr Bürger Xi Jinping und Putin als Trump.

Die Zeiten, in denen Amerika unter seinen Freunden und Verbündeten Begeisterungsstürme entfachte, sind schon eine Weile her. Auf der letzten Sympathiewelle ritten die Vereinigten Staaten, zu Recht oder zu Unrecht, während der Präsidentschaft Barack Obamas. Also bis vor dreieinhalb Jahren. Mit dem Einzug von Donald Trump ins Weiße Haus änderte sich das quasi über Nacht. Im Jahr der Corona-Krise aber stürzt das Ansehen der Vereinigten Staaten in vielen Ländern noch einmal richtig ab. Das geht aus der jüngsten Umfrage des „Pew Research Centers“ hervor, die am Dienstag veröffentlicht wurde. » | Von Lorenz Hemicker, Redakteur in der Politik | Dienstag, 15. September 2020

Trump Dismisses Role of Climate Change in Wildfires | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Juliet Eilperin of the Washington Post and fmr. U.S. Amb. Mark Brzezinski discuss the visible impacts of climate change across the world, including the recent wildfires in California and Oregon and Antarctic glaciers breaking. Aired on 09/15/2020.

Trump Threatens to Retaliate to Any Iran Attack with '1,000 Times Greater' Force

THE GUARDIAN: Tweet follows report of revenge plot for Soleimani killing / US intelligence said to fear attack on US envoy to South Africa

Donald Trump warned on Twitter on Tuesday that the US would retaliate with “1,000 times greater” force against any Iranian attack on its interests.

Trump referred to media reports that Iran was planning retaliation for the assassination by US drone in January of the Iranian general Qassem Soleimani. At the time of the assassination, analysts predicted that Iran would seek to retaliate over the long term.

A Politico story citing unnamed intelligence officials said Iran was plotting to kill the US ambassador to South Africa, Lana Marks, a handbag designer and longtime Trump friend. She is now under extra security protection.

“According to press reports, Iran may be planning an assassination, or other attack, against the United States in retaliation for the killing of terrorist leader Soleimani,” Trump tweeted on Monday night. » | Tom McCarthy | Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Monday, September 14, 2020

Storm of the Century - the Blizzard of '49

This program tells the story of the worst series of storms in Wyoming's history. But for all the tragedy and loss, suffering and death, there was hope and heroism, unselfish sacrifice and generosity.

Welsh Minister Warns of Possible National Lockdown as Covid Cases Rise

THE GUARDIAN: Updated rules must be followed, says government, as infection hotspots are detected in south Wales

A new national lockdown could be imposed in Wales within weeks unless people follow the updated rules on social gatherings, the country’s health minister has said.

Vaughan Gething also revealed that the Labour-controlled government was investigating a range of measures for Wales including imposing curfews to try to control the spread of the virus.

He said the same pattern seen in early February as Covid-19 spread across the UK was being observed again. The health minister pointed out that seven weeks later, in the third week of March, Wales, along with the rest of the UK, was in lockdown. » | Steven Morris and Severin Carrell | Monday, September 14, 2020

Don the Con

Nobody has ever spent a *billion* dollars to go down 10 points.

Germany: The Discreet Lives of the Super-Rich | DW Documentary

The rich in Germany been never been as well-off as they are today and assets have never been so unevenly distributed. But who are they? How do they live? And what do they think of their country? A journey into the discreet world of the super-rich.

One percent of Germans own over a quarter of the country's assets, whilst half of the country’s citizens have no assets at all. But while the German media report on the growing poverty in the country on a daily basis, little is known about the super-rich. They keep a very low profile and can walk the streets unrecognized. "Manager Magazin” says there were around 200 billionaires living in Germany in 2018, and their numbers are increasing. The documentary "Top of the World" asks why rich Germans are so unwilling to talk about their wealth. Its author immerses himself in the discreet world of big money and meets financial advisors with 800 years of family tradition behind them and billionaires such as drugstore king Dirk Rossmann and mail-order company heir Michael Otto - as well as a self-made businessmen such as Rainer Schaller. They talk about their notions of money and justice, the origins of their wealth and their fear of social envy.